Salaamun Alaikum,

  1. Curriculum Development

    After completing the last regional consultation on the Draft Curriculum Framework for Madrasah in Toronto on 21st June 2014, the Curriculum Development Team proceeded to move to the next stage of the journey which was to start preparing lessons for piloting.

    12 lessons were prepared covering all the sub-themes for Band D (age group 10-11 years) and Module 7 (Societal Wellbeing). The lessons were developed by a team of experienced madrasah teachers including a graphics artist. The content of every lesson has been approved by Maulana Syed Muhammad Rizvi.

    Piloting of these lessons will take place in at least 2 madaris in each region for 6 to 8 weeks between November 2014 and January 2015. The teachers who will teach the pilot lessons in the Madaris in Mombasa, Arusha and Leicester have already undergone one day’s training by MCE on content and teaching skills.

    The pilot lessons can be viewed using the following link:

    MCE would like madrasah teachers to give their feedback on the lessons by completing the feedback form on the above website or by sending their comments to [email protected]  In due course, the teaching guides and resources will be shared with all Madaris for feedback.

  2. Teacher Development

    Following the 8-day programme for Neuropsychology in Madrasah Learning at which 19 trainers were trained, it was planned to carry out 2 pilots of the 2-day programme for teachers in each region. In Africa and Europe, both the pilots have been completed and in North America, the second pilot will be done at the end of November. Up to 16 teachers/assessors participated in each pilot and the feedback received was very positive. The trainers who had attended the ‘Train the Trainer’ programme have had 3 webinars during this year to check their knowledge.

    It is anticipated that the 2-day programme will start to be rolled out widely in Madaris in every region from April 2015 onwards.

    A Teacher Skills and Tools (TST) programme has been produced by the Center for Islamic Learning (CIL) in the NASIMCO region in association with MCE.  The objectives of the programme are:

    • To promote teacher development
    • To create a sustainable TST programme
    • To focus on student centred learning
    • To develop teachers to perform to their potential
    • To provide opportunities for teachers to explore assumptions and ideas
    • To understand the various aspects of teaching and its application
    • To understand classroom and behaviour management
    • To understand Emotional Intelligence and its relevance to teaching
    • To provide current educational techniques to promote student learning

    The 2-day programme has already been successfully conducted in Seattle, Orlando, Los Angeles and Brampton

TST session in progress in Brampton, Canada

  1. Assessment & Evaluation

    After having undertaken ten pilots of Madaris across three continents, the Assessment and Evaluation Team has now further refined the assessment model.  Whilst the focus is still on the 4 standards, the outcome of the assessment is trying to answer five fundamental questions:

    a) Is the Madrasah caring?
    b) Is the Madrasah responsive to the needs of the students, teachers and parents?
    c) Is the Madrasah effective in meeting the needs of the students, teachers and parents?
    d) Is the Madrasah well led?
    e) Is the Madrasah safe?

    The five domains as identified are as follows:

    Caring:  By caring we mean that the Madrasah nurtures individuals with kindness, dignity, respect and compassion. 

    Responsive: By responsive we mean that Madrasah is willing to meet the needs of students and effective at addressing these needs. 

    Effective: By effective, we mean that Madrasah education achieves positive outcomes and promotes a balanced way of life guided by the teachings of Islam as personified by the Quran and the Ahlul Bayt (as).

    Well Led: By well led we mean that the leadership, management and governance of the Madrasah assures the delivery of high- quality student-centred care, supports learning and innovation, and promotes an open and inviting culture.

    Safe: By safe we mean that the Madrasah takes all practical steps to ensure that all students and staff are protected from risk, abuse and avoidable harm.

    A consultation process on the refined assessment model has started with all the Madrasah assessors

  2. Learning Resources

    The Learning Resources Team has been populating the MCE website ( with a variety of resources. Their next focus will be to produce or identify resources which will support the lessons being prepared for the Tarbiyah curriculum. Madaris are recommended to share their resources with each other by making them available through the MCE website. Please send your resources to MCE using the email address below.

We Need Your Feedback
We look forward to hearing from you with your feedback, suggestions and opinions on this important initiative of The World Federation. You can contact the Head of MCE by emailing him at [email protected] or call him on + 44 (0)121 448 5100