Click here to download the Conference Pack. (PDF, 239 pages, 15MB)
Click here to download Project North Star's final report. (PDF, 280 pages, 46MB)
Click here to download Project North Star's Top 5 recommendations. (PDP, 1 page, 56KB)
TRIENNIAL CONFERENCE 2017 (Fifteenth Ordinary Conference)
As previously advised, the Fifteenth Ordinary Conference of The World Federation of KSIMC will take place in Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania at Dar Es Salaam Jamaat Imambara starting at 3:00pm on Friday 05 May and concluding on Sunday 07 May 2017. Detailed programme will be issued in due course. As per clause 13 of the Constitution, the Revised Agenda incorporates additions to the Agenda received from the Members.
1. Reflection on verses from the Holy Qur'an
2. Shariah Protocol and Guidance on Procedures of Conference
3. Setting the Conference Scene
4. Introduction of Delegates
5. Housekeeping Rules, Welcome Speeches from the Chairman of Host Reception Committee, Host Jamaat and Host Regional Federation
6. Addresses by Regional Leaders
7. Observations from the Floor
8. Minutes of the Fourteenth Ordinary Conference and Matters arising there from
9. Address by the Secretary General
10. Keynote Address by the President of The World Federation of KSIMC
11. Observations from the Floor
12. Secretariat Departmental Reports
13. Secretariat Update from the Office Bearers of The World Federation
14. Madrasah Centre of Excellence
15. Presentation and Adoption of Accounts for the Fiscal Years 2014, 2015 and 2016
16. Presentation of Draft Accounts for period 1 January 2017 to 31 March 2017
17. Electoral Commission - Report on 2017 Presidential Elections
18. Strategic Review of the Organisation: Report and Recommendations from Project North Star (PNS)
19. Deliberation and formulation of way forward stemming from Project North Star
20. Mimber Guidelines
21. The WF Administration Costs and Resolution
22. Budget Term 2017-2020
23. Strategy Papers: The Community that Gives Blood to Save Lives; Emerging Social Vices within the Community; Promoting Matrimony within the Community and Framework of Working with External Organisations
24. Media and External Affairs
25. Yemen Crisis and Re-settlement
26. A Paper on Learning from Yemen Crisis
27. A Paper on how to build relations at sovereign government and intra-government levels
28. A Paper on Internal Marketing on how to inform grassroots during emergencies and disasters
29. An Update on Strategic Paper: Disaster Relief Action Plan and Modus Operandi
30. Update on Ali Reza Islamic Centre - Essex Jamaat
31. Review of the Capital Projects Paper
32. Review on Mixed Gathering Guidelines (proposed by NASIMCO)
33. Exco Resolution for Ratification
34. Constitutional Amendments and Resolutions Proposed by Members
35. Best Practices from Regions
36. Awards Ceremony
37. Keynote Address by the President Elect
38. Election of Office Bearers, Councillors and Auditor
39. Election of Electoral Commission
40. Any Other Business