Click here to download the Notice in PDF.

Click here to download Diary of Events Postponed Triennial Conference 2020

Click here to download Agenda Info




Advance Notice of the postponed Triennial Conference 2020.


The Executive Council held virtually on 23-24 January 2021 passed the following Resolution:


We the Executive Council HEREBY requests convening a Conference as soon as feasible, being mindful of the safety and logistical aspects of the meeting during the pandemic.


The Conference can be virtual or a composite of physical and virtual, and we hereby call upon the Office Bearers to apply to the Charities Commission for a Conference to be held electronically if deemed necessary.


The Executive Council HEREBY RESOLVES that the Conference should convene and start on Friday, 21 May 2021, if deemed necessary shall continue over to the following weekend. The Agenda as set out in the Executive Council held on 2 November 2019 in Birmingham, UK is adopted herewith. Agenda item 20 of the Agenda will also include the PSS report and it will be moved to item 3 of the Agenda.

This Resolution overrides any previous resolutions passed on calling Conference 2020.


Accordingly, the postponed Triennial Conference 2020 – Sixteenth Ordinary Conference will take place virtually or a composite of physical and virtual, on 21-23 May 2021 (and to continue on 28-30 May 2021 if deemed necessary).


Agenda and detailed programme will follow in due course.

Arifali Hirji

Secretary General 03 February 2021