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23 February 2025 / 24. Shabaan 1446

By the grace of the almighty Allah (s.w.t.) I finally got the chance to visit Iran, for the first time ever and that too in the course. Alhamdulillah, I have learnt alot of positive things in this camp which InshaAllah, I will try my best to use in my life.
This trip taught me many things; socializing, bravery, individuality independency, responsibility and to stand up for myself.
When I first arrived, I didn't know anyone, and within no time I made so many new friends. I remember sitting down at lunch time and free time just talking about the most random of times as if we knew each other from before. We didn't realize how fast time flew until there was that sad moment where we all had to say goodbye to each other and we were literally crying. It is such kind of things that makes us realize how precious time is.  Like the Quran states, "Surely, man is in a loss".  (Surah Asr: 2 ) 
Then, there were moments like the Tuesday nights at Masjid Jamkaran listening to Dua Tawassul, which makes you ponder on what good you ever did in life, to get to sit here with all the people who were strangers few days ago and now so close with and feeling the holy presence of Imam Mahdi and the Thursday nights listening to Dua Kumayl at the haram of Lady Masuma (sa).
The workshops by many knowledgeable scholars, which makes you know your worth and actually give you a hint of change. This trip changed me alot, there was a time before this trip took place and my hijab used to be so awful, and the hijab you see me in now is way different.
To be honest, you wouldn't believe that I actually never wanted to leave when the course was over; the feeling of being home, like I belonged here.
There were many supportive people around me. May Allah reward you in the dunya and akhirah. Like the Quran states, “[… So] whoever does an atom’s weight of good will see it (will be rewarded for it accordingly).” (99:7)
Jazakallah to everyone,who organized and helped out in making our stay comfortable and to all the mentors, who helped us at each and every step. I look forward to returning to the course soon.
Kulsum Mohamed Hussein – Bab participant, AFED.

Director Dr Hasnain Walji, a past president of The World Federation has been researching into the history of the Khoja community for over 10 years.  In producing this 120 minute long film, he has spent a year travelling around the world.  In the documentary, he meets individuals from different backgrounds who provide an insight into the journey of the Khoja community.

This is the first-ever documentary film exploring the 700-year history of the Khoja Shia Ithna-Asheri Community.  For so long, many of the elders in our community had expressed a wish that the story, of who the Khoja Shia Ithna-Asheris are, must be told for future generations to glean an understanding and appreciation of their ancestors’ struggles, trials, tribulations as well as triumphs as they spread across the globe.  

Hassanbhai Jaffer, the author of the seminal work on KHOJA History "The Endangered Species" says:“  A must see documentary for all family members where elders could sit with their progeny to explain where we started from and where we are today and the sacrifices made by many in the evolution of this community. To the  jet setting Khojas of this age,  the sight of bullock carts in  which their elders used to travel while India, the type of sailing crafts and the hardships of sailors and passengers as they sailed out from western shores of India to settle in East Africa and Madgascar is a reality check of their origins. The  month long journey by sea, firsthand account of early sailors recalling that for the month long sea journey, supply of fresh water would often be restricted to one cup a day come a shock to viewers."

The trailer for the documentary can be viewed below:

Hidirjee Loan Zakutul Fitr

Director Dr Hasnain Walji, a past president of The World Federation has been researching into the history of the Khoja community for over 10 years.  In producing this 120 minute long film, he has spent a year travelling around the world.  In the documentary, he meets individuals from different backgrounds who provide an insight into the journey of the Khoja community.

This is the first-ever documentary film exploring the 700-year history of the Khoja Shia Ithna-Asheri Community.  For so long, many of the elders in our community had expressed a wish that the story, of who the Khoja Shia Ithna-Asheris are, must be told for future generations to glean an understanding and appreciation of their ancestors’ struggles, trials, tribulations as well as triumphs as they spread across the globe.  

Hassanbhai Jaffer, the author of the seminal work on KHOJA History "The Endangered Species" says:“  A must see documentary for all family members where elders could sit with their progeny to explain where we started from and where we are today and the sacrifices made by many in the evolution of this community. To the  jet setting Khojas of this age,  the sight of bullock carts in  which their elders used to travel while India, the type of sailing crafts and the hardships of sailors and passengers as they sailed out from western shores of India to settle in East Africa and Madgascar is a reality check of their origins. The  month long journey by sea, firsthand account of early sailors recalling that for the month long sea journey, supply of fresh water would often be restricted to one cup a day come a shock to viewers."

The trailer for the documentary can be viewed below:

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