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We are proud to share some great advice from our community's top motivational speaker, Dr Mahmood Mawjee on how to get the best out of Shahr Ramadan in terms of health and exercise.
Video One: Discipline During Shahr Ramadan
Video Two: Nutrition During Shahr Ramadan
Video Three: Exercise During Shahr Ramadan
14 key points to take away from Mahmood Mawji’s videos
1. Break down your Shahr Ramadan planning into three: food preparation, spiritual upliftment and exercise needs.
2. Our bodies will have plenty of energy to go about our daily business.The glucose stored in our muscles and liver will be used up first to give us the energy we need and once that is used, the body will start to burn the fat.
3. Shahr Ramadan is a great time to quit smoking! Think about it, if you can go the entire day without smoking or vaping, we should be able to give up this habit for a lifetime. What’s stopping you?
4. We need to understand that it takes time to create good habits. As long as you stick to it, you will achieve the goals you have set for yourself.
5. Whilst preparing your food, think about why you eat what you eat. Ask yourself, ‘do I eat to live or live to eat?’. The answer to that question can change your outlook on food.
6. When breaking your fast. take things lightly by having dates with water first, wait a while and then eat your main meal.
7. When eating. try to spread out your food between Iftar and Suhoor to avoid feeling bloated.
8. Think about portion control and having a healthy balanced meal by including lean protein, vegetables, and healthy carbohydrates. Focus on brown carbohydrates rather than white as they give you a slower release of energy.
9. When drinking water. take sips slowly rather than gulping it down.
10. Eat healthy snacks such as fruits in between meal times andavoid processed and fried food as much as you can.
11. Try to stay away from tea and coffee as caffeine is dehydrating.
12. If you do want to have tea, try having something healthier, such as green tea or other herbal teas.
13. If you want to work out during the month, try to incorporate this into your day after Iftar. Start with a light meal, then workout and come back and eat a full meal.
14. If you have a daily exercise routine, like walking 10,000 steps a day, try to keep it up during Shahr Ramadan too.
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