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07 December 2024 / 5. Jamaad-Ul-Akhar 1446

Hajj Made Easy - A 5 part animated series in English

Zainab.TV presents its most new series of five animations on Hajj Made Easy

1.       Introduction to Hajj

2.       Miqaat & Ehram

3.       Things unlawful in Ehram

4.       Tawaaf, Sa’y, Taqseer 

5.       Hajj, Arafaat, Mash’ar, Mina

Link to Videos

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The Saudi Ulema and the Shi‘a of Saudi Arabia

Centre for Arab & Islamic Studies, Australian National University, Canberra ACT, Australia

Summary of question

How can one become sure which of the ulema giving advice and lectures are worthy and qualified to so?


We live in a community of hundreds of thousands of Muslims and have many ulema--many of whom we do not believe are qualified. How can a person obtain assurance (or certification) that the ulema that are giving advice and lectures are supported and qualified according to the rules of the Shia faith?