The World Federation online shop sells a variety of products from books about the history of Islam to Dua cards for every situation. One area with rising popularity is the “Kid’s Corner”.
The Madrasah Centre of Excellence is making great strides in both curriculum and teacher development. Below is an update on the progress of both projects and an opportunity to join the team:
Curriculum Development
The Madrasah Centre of Excellence (MCE) has been working with our regional bodies for the implementation of the Tarbiyah curriculum in certain madaris starting in September 2016.
The lessons and teaching guides for Module 1 (The Creator and His Creation)and Module 2 (Divine Guidance) will be available for the madrasah term commencing in September 2016.
Module 3 (Rasulullah (s) – Communicating the Message) and Module 4 (The Aimmah (a) – Safeguarding the Message) will be ready for the following term beginning January 2017.
The completion date for the whole curriculum is 31 March 2017.
Appropriate training for the teachers for teaching the lessons will be provided before the implementation commences.
The learning resources team has been developing lesson-specific resources for as the lessons and teaching guides are being prepared.
The Madrasah Centre of Excellence (MCE) of the World Federation of KSIMC is looking for additional illustrators to work on the children’s stories that are currently being produced by the Curriculum Development Team. View the job description and find out how to apply here.
Teacher Development
Following a break during the month of Ramadan, the momentum has picked up with teacher development programmes.
Teaching Skills Programme (TSP) held in Husayni Madrasah (Boys), Dar-es-Salaam on 9/10 July 2016 (22 participants) followed byMicroteach 1 on 17 July 2016
Teaching Skills Programme (TSP) held in Wessex Madrasah on 16/17 July 2016 (20 participants) followed by Microteach 1 on 23 July 2016
- Neuropsychology in Learning Programme (NPL) held with CoEJ in Milton Keynes on 16/17 July 2016 (17 participants)
Evaluation of MCE's Teacher Development Programmes
MCE has commissioned Maria Pattinson to conduct an independent evaluation of the teacher development programmes over the last few years. The research is being overseen by a cross-regional steering group. Maria is academically grounded in current teacher training methodologies through Dr. Ruth Mantin at the University of Chichester, UK.
Responses from the preliminary survey carried out with participants of the 2-day Teaching Skills Programme (TSP) and the follow-up Microteach sessions (MT) have been very encouraging. 105 responses were received out of a possible total of 196, which indicates a high level of engagement.
For extracts of the survey results click here.
For more information on the work we do, please email [email protected].
Related News
The World Federation, in partnership with Al-Itrah Foundation of Dar es Salaam, is pleased to announce the publication in Swahili of its title ‘Mukhtar: How He Avenged the Karbala Perpetrators’ by Dr Mahmood Datoo.