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The Madrasah Centre of Excellence (MCE) and the Council of European Jamaats (CoEJ) piloted the recently developed Teaching Skills Programme for Madrasah teachers for 2 days in Milton Keynes, UK. The programme was attended by 24 participants from madaris in South London, Peterborough, Leicester, Milton Keynes and Stanmore.
This programme incorporated the feedback received from the initial pilot that took place in November 2014 when the 27 participants included Madrasah teachers, professional teachers in secular education, observers and teacher trainers from within and outside our community. The programme was facilitated by Sayyid Aliraza Naqvi with the assistance of Sister Mariam Hassam.
One of the important additions to the programme was a 2-hours session on microteaching. Participants were required to put into practice some of the concepts of teaching covered during the programme.
Some of the feedback received from the participants:
- The interactive sessions were very useful and informative. These sessions highlighted different issues faced by individual Madrasahs.
- It would be helpful to have more class-managing ideas. More ideas of how we can remain inspired until the end of year. Ideas of how teachers can regularly improve and how these workshops can be implemented over quarterly basis.
- It was an eye-opener and will definitely help me become a better teacher if not the best.
- Overall an excellent course. Very informative and should be made compulsory for all teachers.
- Could cover lesson plan as whole class after small group sessions and definitions/terminologies as there was some disagreement at tables between perceived definition and definitions from professional field.
- The course has been helpful and insightful. What MCE are doing is very inspiring and should provide more courses not just for teachers but definitely for parents as well.
- Provide follow-up master classes through webinars or e-learning for areas not covered eg. Giving feedback to parents (how to do this).
- Sayyid was very engaging and had clearly prepared for this course. Excellent communication skills.
- Sister Mariam was very good. Very thorough, involved everyone in the class, all within her timeslot.
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