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04 December 2024 / 2. Jamaad-Ul-Akhar 1446

First Name: 

Marhuma Noorbanu


London, UK

Hijiri Date of Death: 

08 Jumada ath-Thaniyah 1442

Hijiri Date of Burial: 

12 Jumada ath-Thaniyah 1442

Last Name: 

Amirali Manji

Date of death: 


Date of Burial: 


Announcement Body: 

We regret to inform you of the sad demise of Marhuma Noorbanu Amirali Manji who passed away in London, UK on Friday, 22 January 2021, 08 Jumada ath-Thaniyah 1442. The marhuma will be buried there on Tuesday, 26 January 2021, 12 Jumada ath-Thaniyah 1442. Mumineen are requested to remember the Marhuma in their prayers.

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