The Chairman of The Africa Federation, Alhaj Anwarali Dharamsi is requesting the Worldwide Community to raise awareness of this important Day of the birth of The Awaited Saviour, Imam Muhammad al-Mahdi, al-Hujjah ibn Hassan al-Askari (ATFS).

This year, we have dedicated Solidarity Day Fund for supporting the less fortunate and deserving members of our community in the Jamaats of the Africa Federation. The collections will be utilized for assistance to as many deserving families as possible who are cannot afford education costs for their children, for their medical care, and housing costs.

We request all members of the community to donate their One Day’s Income towards the Solidarity Day Fund in the name of the Awaited Saviour, Imam Mahdi al Hujjah (ATFS) – “The Guided One” and to seek blessings from Allah (SWT) as narrated in the Holy Quran, verses 57:11 “Who is there that will offer Allah a good gift so He will double it for him, and shall have an excellent reward"


Aunali Khalfan

Hon. Secretary