“As long as the Ka’bah is standing, the religion (of Islam) will remain standing.”
(Imam As-Sadiq, as)
Biharul Anwar, vol 96, p 57)
The World Federation Islamic Education department is pleased to announce a new collection of MP3 sound files based on Hajj - the unique invitation of The Almighty to visit His house. This collection comprises of Qur'an recitation, Dua's, Lectures, Ziyaraat, and Nasheeds - all relating to Hajj.
The files are available to download via the links below. Donations for this programme are welcome. A CD containing these tracks is also available from Dar al Tableegh at a cost of only £2.50 (including P&P).
To order your CD or for more information, please:
Email: [email protected]
Or call: +44 1923 823 606
(To Save a Dua to your computer, Right-click or Option-click the link then click "Save As")
- 00 labbayk Allhumma
- 01 Lecture medical and spiritually
- 02 Lecture Preparation(1)
- 03 Lecture Preparation(2)
- 04 Lecture Spiritual Preparationr
- 05 Lecture urdu dua arafah
- 06 Lecture Salaat(1)
- 07 Lecture Salaat(2)
- 08 Lecture Salaat(3)
- 09 Lecture Salaat(4)
- 10 Lecture Salaat(5)
- 11 Lecture Salaat(6)
- 12 Lecture Salaat(7)
- 13 Lecture General
- 14 Lecture General
- 15 Lecture Jamarat
- 16 Qur'an Sura al Waqiah
- 17 Qur'an Sura al Mulk
- 18 Qur'an sura al Ahzab
- 19 Qur'an sura al Munafiqun
- 20 Quran Sura al Baqarah
- 21 Quran Sura Yaseen
- 22 Quran Sura al Rehman
- 23 Dua Mashlool
- 24 Dua Simaat
- 25 Dua Tawbah Usama
- 26 Dua Kumail
- 27 Dua Nudba
- 28 Dua Tawassul Hus gharib
- 29 Dua Yastasheer Syed Walid Mazeedi
- 30 Dua Sabah
- 31 Dua Jawshan Kabeer (1)
- 32 Dua Jawshan Kabeer (2)
- 33 Dua Makarim al Akhlaq
- 34 Dua Mujeer
- 35 DuaIlahi Kayfa Ad'ooka
- 36 Dua Alqama
- 37 Dua Hadees al Kisaa
- 38 Dua for Ghusl of Ihram
- 39 Dua after Ihraam
- 40 Dua Talbiya
- 41 Dua Entry into Haram area of Makkah
- 42 Dua Entry to Masjid Haram
- 43 Dua at seeing Hajar al aswad
- 44 Dua at Tawaf
- 45 Dua After Salaat of Tawaf
- 46 Dua at Sa'ee
- 47 Dua Arafah
- 48 Munajaat Imam Ali(AS)
- 49 Munajaat Taibeen
- 50 Munajaat Shakeen
- 51 Munajaat kha'ifeen
- 52 Munajaat Raji'een
- 53 Munajaat Ragibeen
- 54 Munajaat Shakireen
- 55 Munajaat Muti'een
- 56 Munajaat Murideen
- 57 Munajat Al Sha'baniya
- 58 Ziyarat Izne Dukhool
- 59 Ziyarat of Holy Prophet in Masjid an Nabii
- 60 Ziyarat Bibi Fatema
- 61 Ziyarat Imams of Baqi
- 62 Ziarat Imam Hassan
- 63 Ziyarat Imam Zain al Abideen
- 64 Ziyarat Imam Baqir
- 65 Ziyarat Imam Jaffer Sadiq (AS)
- 66 Ziyarat Ashura
- 67 Ziyarat Arba'een
- 68 Ziyrat Arafah
- 69 Ziyarat of Imam Husain(A.S)on day of Arafah
- 70 Ziyarat Jameah kaberah
- 71 Ziyarat AminAllah
- 72 Ziyarat Waritha
- 73 Ziyarate Nahiya
- 74 Nauha Ya Hussein
- 75 Nauha Musafiraan E Musibat
- 76 Nauha Ya Zahra
- 77 Mein to Panjatan
- 78 Zuban Mehway
- 79 Madani Madeene
- 80 Qasida dil ki mahfil
- 81 Qasida Falak key Nazaro
- 82 Qasida imame Zamana
- 83 Mountain of Makka(Nasheed)
- 84 City of Medina (Nasheed)
- 85 Asma Husna
- 86 Hajj lecture by Mulla Asgherali MM Jaffer - Part 1
- 87 Hajj lecture by Mulla Asgherali MM Jaffer - Part 2