It was such a golden and lifetime opportunity for me to come and perform the Ziyarat of Lady Masuma (sa) and Imam Redha (as) as I progressed in my proximity to Allah (SWT)
For the first 5 videos, we will focus on the introduction to the Holy month of Ramadan and for the rest of the month we will look into Akhlaq from the Qur'an.
Take part in the daily reflection\challenge to help you get closer to Allah (swt).
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Day Thirteen
I Spy with My Little Eye
يا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا اجْتَنِبُوا كَثِيراً مِنَ الظَّنِّ إِنَّ بَعْضَ الظَّنِّ إِثْمٌ وَ لا تَجَسَّسُوا وَ لا يَغْتَبْ بَعْضُكُمْ بَعْضاً أَ يُحِبُّ أَحَدُكُمْ أَنْ يَأْكُلَ لَحْمَ أَخِيهِ مَيْتاً فَكَرِهْتُمُوهُ وَ اتَّقُوا اللَّهَ إِنَّ اللَّهَ تَوَّابٌ رَحِيم (الحجرات: 12)
O you who have faith! Avoid much suspicion. Indeed some suspicions are sins. And do not spy on or backbite one another. Will any of you love to eat the flesh of his dead brother? You would hate it. And be wary of Allah; indeed Allah is all-clement, all-merciful
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Imam Ali (AS) has said: “Live in this world as a traveller, and leave behind you every sweet memory. Indeed we are guests here, and every guest must soon leave.”
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