Couples Retreat 2019
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Whether you're newly married, or married for 20+ years, this retreat is ideal to supercharge your marriage with a deeper understanding of Islam.
The minimum number required for the course is 5 couples (10 individuals) and a maximum of 8 couples (16 individuals) will be accepted.
Please note, the course is not suitable for children and no child-minding arrangements will be made.
Course Objectives:
The course is tailored to:
1. Enable participants to discuss various challenges they face and to seek advice and guidance on these issues.
2. Provide participants with an overview of Islamic Family Ethics.
3. Help couples seek academic and authoritative responses to the various ideological questions on Islam.
4. Encourage the sharing of experiences between participants and experts/specialised teachers in the Islamic Seminary.
5. Achieve spiritual upliftment through Ibadat programmes and ethical discussions.
6. Meet and interact with some renowned scholars & Maraje.
7. Allow interaction, exchange of ideas and networking with like-minded individuals.
8. Performing the Ziyarat of Imam al-Ridha (as) and Sayyida Fatima al-Ma’sooma (sa).
The brothers meeting with Grand Ayatullah Shaykh Lutfullah Saafi Gulpaygani
Cultural Programme:
1. Ziyarat of Imam Ali al-Ridha (as)
2. Ziyarat of Sayyida Fatima al-Ma’sooma (sa)
3. Tour of Qum and historical sites
4. Meetings with scholars & other renowned personalities
5. Visit to the Holy Mosque of Jamkaran
6. Day trip to Tehran and its main religious sites
Visiting Holy Mosque of Jamkaran
Educational Programme:
The Educational Programme will consist of a mixture of formal and informal sessions with scholars and experts. The sessions will cover:
1. Aqaid (Theology)
2. Quranic Principles
3. Islamic Family Ethics
4. Islamic Ethics
5. Spirituality in the school of the Ahlul-Bait (as)
6. The Philosophy & Etiquette of Ziyarat
Couples attending a lecture given by Shaykh Nadir Jaffer on Prophetic Medicine
Mizan al Hikmah in Arabic with English translation - Downloadable Version