વહાલા જમાતની સમાજ
Day Two
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- Reflection on verses from the Holy Qur'an
- Minutes of the Second Exco of the Term 2017‐2020
- The WF and Regional Federation Collective Working for the term
- Vision of the Secretariat Term 2017‐2020 ‐ Updated Action Plan
- MCE - moved to Day three
- PNS ‐ Report from the Transformation Manager and PNS Workshop
Reflection on verses from the Holy Qur'an
Shan-E-Abbas opens the second day of ExCo outlining a brief overview of the topics discussed on day One.
Agha Shahidi did the tilawat of Holy Qur'an on Surah Hujarat along with the translation.
Few lessons we must learn from this abstract is
If we say something hurtful, the words may be forgotten but the feeling will remain for a long time.
If there is a difference either of opinion or attitude, we should work together as a community and find a good solution.
And when it becomes to be an arbitrator, always think of giving justice.
Don’t make fun of other communities and don’t call each other with bad names.
And don’t talk behind each other as we are momineen and we must lead by example.
Minutes of the Second Exco of the Term
Shan E Abbas went through the minutes of the second EXCO page by page with all the councilors. Shan asked the councilors to raise their concerns should they have any when going through each page. The councilors discussed various parts of the document, especially when there was some ambiguity, which Shan was able to iron out.
One of the ambiguities discussed was what has The World Federation been doing with the different Federations and Shan E Abbas responded by explaining the various activities undertaken by The World Federation but also mentioned more shall be done. Br. Sibtein also pointed out to support people of Pakistan to which Br. Anver Rajpar gave an overview of Economic Upliftment from Pakistan.
Shan E Abbas gave an update of hiring Malika Alibhai, as the Risk & Compliance Officer. Malika is trying to engage with all the regions to ensure best practices. Shan requested all regions to work together with The World Federation Risk & Compliance Officer. His suggestions are every treasurer will make a compliance action plan by the next EXCO so that we have proper compliance system in place. Muntazir Bhimji noted that he will ask the compliance officer to send regular updates to the councilors regarding policies and reports. Also, ask her to communicate with the all the regions on compliance.
Nominations from Federation:
Pakistan Federation – Ms Zohra Rajpar will be the Compliance Officer.
NASIMCO – Treasurer Mr Kausar will be the Compliance Officer. Mr Habib will help him in all compliance related issues.
COEJ – Mr Murtaza will be the Compliance Officer.
Africa Federation – Treasurer Mr Hemani will be Compliance Officer
Australia Federation – Mohammed Dhanji will be the Compliance Officer
Top up loans on Education can be given to those students who require a top up on their education fees – conditions apply. The cap is GBP 5,000 and the team is working on raising the cap. Concerns were raised about the SOP on obtaining these loans. Policies are available to view.
While responding on Zaynbia Child Sponsorship Scheme, Br. Anver Rajpar, will be looking to reinitiating the funding in Pakistan.
On iSadaqa, councilors praised the efforts but asked for more details. Thsi will be added to the Secretariat report in future.
Women have been an important topic for this ExCo. Major discussions took place in regards to women voting and the democratisation of women
The World Federation and Regional Federation Collective Working
- MCE program is going very smoothly and the target is to bring all madressas under MCE.
- LDP program is going very well and people are asking to continue with the program.
- Capacity Building and Teacher Building is our focal point.
- Housing Project is going very well but more support is required
- MCE – Syed Hasan Naqvi will be visiting Africa soon and working very closely together.
- LDP program is running smoothly and now we have local trained resource.
- Higher Education is a concern, we need to do much more on higher education.
- MCE: The program is going very well.
- Finance and Joint Investments: Working very well.
- Senior Housing Project: The project is still under process with the help of The World Federation.
- Compliance: Collaboration with The World Federation Secretariat, we are working on those areas.
- Islamophobia: The parliament is going to appoint the definition and once it is adopted, we will align with the Jewish Community. The World Federation may play a key role in it.
- MCE: Training of Teachers went very well. The system of training kids has completely changed.
- Islamophobia: In Australia, we have the same problem like COEJ.
- The World Federation- Aid: We are above the poverty line so we are working with The World Federation-Aid in raising funds and recently we raised 150,000 AUD for Yemen and The World Federation -Aid.
- Study in Australia: Working with The World Federation to support young students in Australia.
- While working separately, we developed Fatimiyah Education Network, Fatimiyah Hospital, Al Murtaza School and HBT so request the other regions to work together so all will benefit.
- Economic Upliftment: Through this EXCO we raised our $700,000 and looking forward to achieving $1200,000 by tomorrow which is the target. Thanks to Mr. Sibtein and Mr. Mustafa.
- Housing: This is a new project to let us see how The World Federation and regional Federation help us in achieving that.
- Education: The support is provided by Higher Education Loans internally with the help of Friends’ Trust and the application is approved in 48 hours if all requirements are complete. We expect The World Federation and Regional Federation to help us in overseas education as no society is there to provide support.
- MOU: We also like to have MOUs with all charities and with the permission of The World Federation we have signed MOU with NASIMCO
- Women: We are working for the upliftment of women.
- Hussaini Foundation: We thank you for the support of Hussaini Foundation.
- Fatimiyah Hospital: The biggest challenge is to the fund hospital and request The World Federation to raise funds from all over the world.
Vision of the Secretariat Term
Head of WF Islamic Education, Shaykh Murtaza Alidina, addressing the councillors on Key Islamic topics. The World Federation is always keen on seeking guidance from our Islamic Education Head. An asset to our organisation to have an in-depth insight into solution on current matters.
Madiha Raza, Head of WF-AID discussed a variety of topics in relation to WF-AID. Madiha explained how progress has been made with many of our appeals. However, despite this there is a suggestion to expand the WF-AID team to deal with the influx of Humanitarian aid work needed globally.
Madiha presented a top line strategy for the rest of the term to the councillors.
The Strategy included the following:
- Raising brand awareness as we continue to grow,
- diversifying income streams by mobilizing volunteers and grassroots community fundraising, institutional fundraising and legacy fundraising,
- Establishing a strong, loyal and engaged volunteer base with a range of professional skills,
- Focusing our scope of work into specialised thematic areas such as emergency, livelihoods, health and water & sanitation
- Establishing strong links with other reputable charities and obtaining new partners
- Madiha also spoke about how we look to enshrine the values of the Ahlul Bayt in all our humanitarian efforts.
- Potentially establish new two new country offices with the updated Iraq registration process, in Yemen or India.
- A need to have a focal person in each region to liaise AID with.
Madiha also informed the councillors an update on the appeal which is currently active and on-going in Yemen and Syria.
The discussion lead on to the future of The World Federation in relation to WF-AID. The Office Beares will look into the future of WF-AID and will report back to the councillors in due time.
PNS ‐ Report from the Transformation Manager and PNS Workshop
Shabbir Jaffer, Transformation Manager, and Shuayb Ismail from the PNS project team explained the role of PNS to the councillors and discussed ways they could move forward. Options were discussed and concerns were taken note of. Ultimately, a target model was presented as a way forward for adoption.
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