Imam Ali Ridha (A.S), our 8th Imam was born in Medina on 11th Dhul Qaida to Imam Musa Kadhim(A.S) and his mother Arwi. Imam Ridha (a.s) was famously known for his generosity and patience. He provided us with a lot of advice on how to take care of ourselves.
The Madressa Centre of Excellence presented a detailed report on its workings and progress to date at the Second Executive Council Meeting held recently in Stanmore, UK. The multi-speaker presentation covered the different aspects that MCE is targeting in its goal to create a resource and support base for Madrasah students, teachers and parents globally.
Naushad bhai Mehrali, Head of MCE, explained where the inspiration for this venture came from and spoke of the various areas that have been identified since 2011, in which madaris require guidance. He gave a geographical analysis of the places where MCE had reached out to the madaris for implementation of different programmes.
The key areas that MCE has been focusing on are Curriculum Development, Teacher Development, Learning Resources and Assessment & Evaluation.
Naushad bhai explained that the MCE was an investment in the current and future needs of our children with the aim to prepare them for the coming of our Awaited Saviour, insha'Allah. On Curriculum Development, Shaykh Safder Jaffer provided an update on the journey so far.
Brother Aly Nasser then briefed the Council on the comprehensive process of developing lessons in line with the Curriculum Framework for which consultations had been held with Madrasah representatives in every region.
Sayyed Muhammad Rizvi from Toronto, Canada spoke about the integrated approach of teaching that MCE proposes - as opposed to the traditional separation of subjects - and demonstrated how this is a principle that has been established even in the Holy Qur'an. He spoke passionately in the course of his presentation about the need to teach Islam as a code for life and not as a subject.
Sayyid Ali Naqvi, who is heading the Teacher Skills Programme, also took this opportunity to elaborate on the program and how it was aimed at developing the character and potential of every teacher rather than simply training them with skills and information. For more details on this department of the MCE, listen to Sayyid Naqvi's talk .
Brother Yasin Rahim explained how the Madrasah Assessment & Evaluation Process was undergoing important refinement following the experience gained from the 10 pilot assessments carried out in madaris in Africa, Europe and N America.
The MCE has managed to achieve the initial objectives of its goals due to the support of The World Federation and Regional teams and all community members worldwide. It is hoped that this support will remain steady and allow this project to come to fruition in the long-term as well.
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