The World federation has begun converting all its books into ebooks. We currently have 18 books converted into ebooks. This month, we would like to promote the following ebook.
The Curriculum Development Team of the Madrasah Centre of Excellence (MCE) is progressing well with preparing lessons for its Tarbiyah curriculum. The lessons, which are being developed by a team of experienced madrasah teachers and a graphic artist, undergo a rigorous process of vetting.
The lesson writers who are currently working on producing the lessons are largely based in Dubai and United Kingdom. As the task of writing up to 600 lessons is huge and in order to provide greater variety, MCE would like to engage more lesson writers, especially from the other regions. This is an incredibly rewarding task and I would encourage everyone who is able to, to get in touch!
For further details please click the following link:
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The World Federation is pleased to introduce a series of videos to help us acquire closeness to Allah (swt). The first 5 videos will be an Introduction to Shahr Ramadan and for the rest of the Holy month we will focus on Akhlaq. Click here to watch Day 20.