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22 February 2025 / 23. Shabaan 1446

New Children’s Book from The World Federation: My Book about Imam Ali (as’)

The World Federation is pleased to bring you yet another publication: ‘My Book about Imam Ali (as), written by Aamina Jivraj, illustrated by Sajida Jivraj.

This book is the third in the series after “My First Book of Faith,” and “Muharram Book,” and it follows the same criteria, which is aimed at making the little children connect with Islam and our history in a fun and interactive way.

Creatively illustrated, this book allows children to visualise the events that occurred and provides colouring pages for interaction.

My Book about Imam Ali (as’) is a simple storybook that sheds light on the life of our great Imam in a simple, yet elaborate manner. It brings together all the different aspects of the life of Imam Ali (a.s) in a chronological order, so that the children get a chance to understand the history of this Holy Imam.

On the last page of this book there is a collection of sayings by the Holy Imam (a.s), which can be applied in to our daily lives. This is a great way for parents and children to work together to read, memorise and practice these Ahadith in their day to day activities.

This beautiful publication for children is unique because it has picked out a few, yet special incidences in the life of Imam Ali (a.s) to talk about. It is solely aimed at younger children, as it is vital for them to be exposed to Shia’ history in a format that appeals to them, without becoming monotonous. The language used is simple and can be understood by younger children, yet is enjoyable for the older ones to read on their own.

The main aim of this book is to highlight the historical events and mostly the characteristics of this great Imam (a.s) that should play a role in our lives. The younger generation needs to know that there was more to this great personality other than fighting in battles and being at war, and this book definitely puts all his greatness into perspective.

To order a copy please visit the WF Online Bookshop, email [email protected] or call +44 (0) 208 954 9881

This title is available for only £3.00 plus P & P.

Please see the poster below.


PDF icon My Book about Imam Ali (as) - Poster299.82 KB

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