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19 April 2024 / 10. Shawal 1445

STEPS - Series One Ilm al- Ghayb


S hi‘i T heology, E thics and P ractice S eries

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Ilm al-Ghayb Series 1, Episodes 1-4



If Imam Ali (as) had access to ‘Knowledge of The Unseen’, why did he end up being martyred? This and many other questions arise in our minds regarding the level of knowledge accessible by Allah’s (swt) chosen ones.

The Holy Qur’an has numerous verses centred around ‘Knowledge of The Unseen – ‘Ilm al-Ghayb’. We know that Allah (swt) is the ultimate All-Knowing, and we as human beings can also gain knowledge, however up to what extent?

Are individuals, such as Prophets, Messengers, Imams and the Awliya’ given access to this repository to this source of knowledge? If so, how do they access it? When are they granted access to it? Can they freely use it in their lives – and if so, why do we see the Prophets and Imams going through difficulties in their lives?

In the first series of the STEPS initiative, we will be discussing ‘Ilm al- Ghayb’. This series will consist of 4 episodes and will be released every Friday.


Episode One:  The Roots of the Discussion

This video gives an introduction to the topic of Knowledge of The Unseen. It talks about what it means, who is endowed with it and to what level.


Episode Two:  The Holy Qur’anic Perspectives    

In this video, we present a Qur’anic view on Knowledge of The Unseen. Through the Qur’an, we will learn how to differentiate between knowledge of The Unseen possessed by Allah (swt) and that which He grants to His chosen ones. 


Episode Three:   Unwinding the Confusion

This video is about a conversation between two friends, Ali and Mahdi. Ali has some questions on the controversial issue on why our Imams (as) refrain from utilising the Knowledge of The Unseen that they have been endowed with. Fortunately, Mahdi has done some research on the topic and is able to shed some light on the matter. 

Episode Four:  Clearing the Controversies

The conversation continues between Ali and Mahdi. Mahdi provides some invaluable insight on the misconceptions surrounding the extent of knowledge granted to the Imam (as).

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