Bashir Ahmed Datoo, in his latest book ‘Bookend Revolutions, In Islamic History’, revisits the revolution that took place at the time of the Holy Prophet (s.a.w) and closes with the revolution that will occur under the leadership of the Imam Mahdi (a).
It was indeed an honour to be a part of such an incredible organising team - recollects a mentor from Mumbai
I was highly delighted when I was given the opportunity to mentor the youth of our community for 4 days, which eventually turned out to be the most productive days of my life!
It was indeed an honour to be a part of such an incredible organizing team, where the efforts put in by each mentor and admin was outstanding.
The fact that I learnt more from the participants and the mentors than what the kids would’ve learnt from me itself proves how amazing the course was in terms of ‘learning’. The mentees were some of the humblest kids I’ve ever met. They were all so kind, polite, and most importantly, respected the elders. These qualities signify that the parenting of the kids of our community is commendable.
I wish the very best for these youths!
Written by: Saaquib Salim Dawoodani from Mumbai
In India, a Youth Camp for Boys and another one for Girls are being planned for the month of May 2016. To apply as a mentor kindly email [email protected]
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