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23 February 2025 / 24. Shabaan 1446

The Secrets of Wudu': "Seeking Light" By Shaykh Muhammad M. Khalfan

A number of books and papers have been written on wudu’ in its practical and spiritual aspects. This particular work is different in that it tried to understand the deeper secrets of wudu’ through some of the recommended supplications of Imam Ali (a).

The author being extremely well-versed in the intricacies of both Arabic and English language is able to analyse the true meanings behind the Arabic words that describe wudu’ and the du’as that accompany each step.

This book is an essential addition to any bookshelf, because as Shaykh Khalfan explains, wudu’ is derived from an Arabic word that means ‘beauty’ and ‘purity’. Thus, this seemingly simple act is actual a means of beautifying oneself for – and as a result, gaining closeness to – the Almighty.

Available in hardcopy at The World Federation bookshop for 5 GBP, we are happy to announce that you can now also download it as an e-book in .EPUB and .MOBI formats as well.

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