In response to the crisis in Gaza, The World Federation is sending more aid to Gaza this Ramadhan. In this blessed and sacred month, we pray for the safety and well-being of all men, women and children living in the Gaza Strip who are affected by the ongoing violence.
Over the past few years, European universities have a much preferred choice for students, to such an extent that up to a third of British students are considering overseas study, reported the British Council earlier this year.
As tuition fees in the UK have seen continuous rise, students have opted for affordable alternatives in mainland Europe.
For EU citizens it is even more lucrative since they can receive a free university degree (taught in English) in many European countries, including Denmark, Austria, Norway and Greece and living costs are also much cheaper. By contrast, Germany is leading at present, having universities ranking in the top 500 world’s best, according to the global QS university rankings.
To have a further read on the guardian please click here.
We hope that students benefit from this information and make an informed decision on their choice of university once they have considered all the available options.
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