The World Federation pleased to announce the excellent book ‘Karabla – The Complete Picture’ by Dr Mahmood Datoo is available for only £1.
The book covers the subject of the event of Karbala in an easy-to-understand yet comprehensive manner. The material is presented in a very simple format, with bullet points and short paragraphs, as well as maps. This makes the entire reading experience easy, quick and enjoyable.
Sister Ola Hassan recently commented:
Winner Competition Announcement!!
The competition for a chance to win an all paid for trip for Madinah and Bab is now closed. We ran this competition for almost 20 days and we saw some amazing entries through our Facebook and Instagram pages. Through thoughtful consideration we selected the following winners:
For the Madinah Course - RidaFatema Bhimani and the for the For Bab Course - Zehrabanu Mazaher. it was a pleasure selecting you and we look forward to welcoming you on the trip.
Please respond to your DM's on Instagram so we can work on the paperwork :)
The Madinah & Bab youth summer course is officially back for the 17th year running! If you have a son or daughter aged between 14- 24 and want to steer them towards an amazing opportunity for spiritual and educational development, then let them experience a trip of a lifetime through our Madinah & Bab short summer course in Iran! Apply here.
Madinah (18-24 yrs) and Bab (14-17 yrs) caters for separate boys and girls camps. The short course will take place during 25th July and 15th August. Click here to learn more about the course.
We are giving away two all expense ground package and tickets (including visa), one for each group: Madinah (18-24 yrs) and Bab (14-17 yrs).
The competition will end on the 20th May.
To participate in the competition for Madinah and Bab - just follow the simple steps below:
Madinah Participants: (18-24 yrs)
Search for our page @wfksimc on Facebook or Instagram
- Like the competition same post
- Tag a Friend on our post AND tell your friend what you think you’d enjoy the most about going on this trip. (Max 3-4 lines)
- Share our competition post
Bab Participants: (14-17 yrs)
If you do not have a social media account, please submit a 2-minute video about what you would enjoy and benefit the most out of from attending. Please provide good examples. Send the video to [email protected]
You can enter this competition as many times as you like, we will notify the winner through the way they entered. (either Facebook, Instragram or email).
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This book is a translation of the last chapter of Adl-e Ilaahi (Divine Justice) by Ayatullah Mutahhari.
Every experience in life should be seen with positivity and such was the case with this course, Alhamdulillah. From the beginning few days of anxiousness, confusion, uncertainty, and solitude, we quickly became brothers.