Dr Mahmood Y. Abdullah
156 pitanja i odgovora o učenjima islama
''156 Questions and Answers About the Teachings of Islam''
The World Federation's Bosnia Desk continuously strives to serve the need of external Tableegh in Bosnia. One of its biggest focus is Tableegh through publication.
In March 2020, we successfully printed 2000 copies of ''156 Questions and Answers About the Teachings of Islam”.
This book was distributed to all the members of the Bosnian community, including 69 libraries, 20 religious institutions such as madrasas, as well as 15 cultural centres in Bosnia.
The book attempts to cater to non-Muslim readers too, as it offers a presentation of the core spiritual and social values of Islam: peace, compassion, social justice and respect for others. It promotes a mutual understanding and a symbiotic relationship.
Moreover, the book not only explains Islamic values, but also finds their counterparts in the Jewish and Christian traditions, revealing a common ground of the Abrahamic faiths. It aims at building bridges of confidence between Muslims and Christians and a harmonious coexistence between those two faiths, this is particularly welcome given the post war situation in Bosnia.
Feedback from a University professor from Bosnia:
''The book represents a handy guide that provides necessary information about a comprehensive culture of Islam that can be consulted while at home, in the office, traveling to work or on a holiday trip. Clarity, precision and versatility of the book deserve that I warmly recommend it to the widest readership.''
Dr Resid Hafizovic, professor at Faculty of Islamic Studies of Sarajevo University