The journey was Alhamdulillah an amazing experience. Once the participants arrived the course started in full swing with classes in the morning, outings in the evening and prayers in the Haram at night, the time flew by.
Losing a loved one is one of the most difficult trials we face in life, even during the best of circumstances. Under the current climate of the Covid-19 pandemic, this trial and ordeal has proved even more challenging.
In Islam, it is obligatory to perform the rites of Ghusl (ritual washing) and kafn (ie the whole process of shrouding with the kafn) upon the mayyit (dead body) before burial. And under specific circumstances that Ghusl cannot be performed Tayammum should be performed.
From the very onset when we saw the emergence of Covid-19, The WF sought guidance from the Office of His Eminence Sayyid al-Sistani (may Allah SWT grant him a long & healthy life) on the new fiqhi rulings to adapt to the emerging challenges.
In an endeavour to continue these efforts, The WF have produced a series of videos to provide guidance and clarity for those in charge of administering the burial rites of the deceased. All the information put together is in accordance to the instructions given by the Marja’s Office.
Video Part 1: Introduction
Video Part 2: Answers to 7 Very Important Questions
Video Part 3: Personal and PPE Preparation
Video Part 4: Adaptations to the Ghusl Procedure
Video Part 5: Demonstration of Tayammum during Covid-19
Video Part 6: Removing and Discarding the PPE
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The World Federation is pleased to introduce a series of videos to help us acquire closeness to Allah (swt). The first 5 videos will be an Introduction to Shahr Ramadan and for the rest of the Holy month we will focus on Akhlaq. Click here to watch Day 19.
They said it was going to be fun. They said I was going to make new friends, they said that I would experience new things, and above all, they said that I would not want to leave. But that was all an understatement – they had no idea.