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23 February 2025 / 24. Shabaan 1446

The Gift of Education

We were all taught to “seek knowledge from the cradle to the grave,” (as per the teachings of our Holy Prophet (SAW)) but imagine the rewards when we provide knowledge from the cradle to the grave.

As a mother, I thought long and hard about the perfect gift for my daughter’s first birthday party, as the date drew closer and closer, the party was set up and I wanted to give my daughter and all the children at the party something meaningful. I didn’t know what I was going to give, but I knew it had to be meaningful, something that would mean something to Zaynab as she got older, something that captured her interest, and something that would make a difference.

Knowing that Zaynab would grow up in a world where she could achieve her dreams, pursue a career and be given the gift of education, I realised the plight of over ONE BILLION people who would never have that opportunity. As a parent you would want the best for your children but it broke my heart to realise that other parents cannot even afford to send their children to school.

It dawned on me that I could sponsor a child in Zaynab’s name, better yet; I could sponsor a child in the names of all the children who were to attend the party and give all the children a certificate thanking them for their donation.

There are over 2.2 BILLION children in the world, and over a BILLION of them live in poverty. Over 121 MILLION children cannot afford to go to school, and out of those that do, 33% of them drop out before they can learn how to read of write.

Nelson Mandela said, “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” Not only was he right, but if every parent who could afford to sponsor a child sponsored one today, we as a human race would be taking a huge step toward eradicating child poverty.

The party was over, and Zaynab’s friends’ parents loved it and we thought if we sponsored one child every year for the duration of our children’s lives, it would make allow the Zainabiya Child Sponsorship Scheme to educate more children. More importantly we would teach our children about giving, and it would be an easy way to secure the future of the human race. 

For additional information on ZCSS view this brief video clip:

To sponsor children through the Zainabiya Child Sponsorship Scheme, please email [email protected]

This article has been contributed by Fatema Somji of Dubai and the ZCSS Team would like to thank her for sharing her creative idea.

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There are currently over 7 billion people living on Earth, and the world illiteracy rate is just shy of 900 million people. The sad reality is that amongst these are thousands of children that have no hope of ever getting a chance to educate themselves or escape poverty.

Updated 31 July 2013

Rajab Tsuma, now 23 years old joined class one at Jaffery Primary School sixteen years ago.  As his family was not able to send Rajab to school, he was sponsored by ZCSS in 1997.  In 2005 Rajab completed class 8 with a score of 314 in the KCPE examination. 

“It is the men of knowledge who can truly realise God.” (35:28)