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The World Federation India Office in partnership with KSI Jamaat Mumbai conducted the fourth workshop on Ahkam-e Mayyit on 26th January 2016.
The workshop was conducted at the newly built Kabrastan at Juhu called as Mehfil-e Mustafa.
The workshop aims were to give practical training to the participants on:
• How to handle a Dead Body with Respect
• How to conduct Ghusl, Hunut, Kafan
• How to conduct Namaz-e Mayyit, and Burial
• The rules concerning Post-Burial
The session was attended by 17 participants and was conducted by Maulana Gulam Abbas who the Imam-e Jamaat in Dongri as well as the Head of Research & Development at Channel WIN. A trainer was also present to co-facilitate the practical aspects of the Ahkam-e Mayyit.
The participants benefited in terms of gaining practical experience of performing Ghusl, Hunut, Kafan and Burial. All queries were clarified by the Aalim and the trainer and misconceptions were clarified. A chart explaining all steps in detail right from performing Ghusl until Kafan was distributed to all.
The participants pledged to form a team and be present during Mayyits to perform the wajibaat on voluntary basis.
Parvez Mukadam, one of the participants, says, "The workshop was very informative. I would request WF and Jamaat to have regular sessions like this to benefit more community members"
Asad Virani, Manager of The World Federation India Office says: “The participants' were highly motivated. I am impressed with their dedication and commitment. We plan to have similar groups for the other graveyards too”
Irfan Karim, Juhu Aarambaug Committee Member, says, "The Ahkam-e Mayyit workshop was very helpful and timely for the local community who is looking to prepare a team of volunteers at the newly opened Kabrastan. The Aalim's explanation of the entire Ahkam was very good and the practical demonstration was very well received. Even the chart explaining all the steps in Ghusl and Kafan was excellent and we will be putting up the same in the Ghusl Room as a ready reckoner.
For more information email i[email protected]
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