The Curriculum Development Team of the Madrasah Centre of Excellence (MCE) is progressing well with preparing lessons for its Tarbiyah curriculum. The lessons, which are being developed by a team of experienced madrasah teachers and a graphic artist, undergo a rigorous process of vetting.
Updated 17 July 2013
This is the 10th issue of the MCE mailshot. When we sent the first issue, we explained that the purpose of the newsletter was to:
1. Update you on the progress made by MCE and its activities
2. Share good practices that are happening in other madrasah around the world
3. Share news of important developments in the field of madrasah education
4. Listen to you and take your feedback, suggestions and new ideas.
The latest issue of the mailshot can be viewed by clicking here. If you wish to subscribe to the mailshot, please send an email to [email protected]
Read full mailshot
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