The World Federation responds to the cowardly attack in Barcelona.
It’s hard to believe that The Holy Month of Ramadhan is only 36 days away. While thousands of Muslims across the globe are filled with great anticipation of what this blessed and spiritual month brings, others, including orphans, widows, seniors, children and the disabled, are dealing with the struggles their daily life brings.
Ramadhan is the month of mercy, generosity and charity and so, The World Federation will soon be launching its annual Ramadhan Relief Fund, which aims to ease the plight of thousands of people suffering in so many different ways in countries all over the world.
Our aim is to make others feel loved, cherished and supported during this Holy month so they too can benefit from the countless blessings of Ramadhan and feel love and support from fellow Muslims.
With your help, The World Federation hopes to provide various forms of aid such as food baskets, Iftaar, sehri, debt relief, medical assistance and other essential items and services to make this month of Ramadhan a little bit easier for those individuals counting on our help.
There are many ways in which you could get involved, from making donations to organising fundraising events, and The World Federation will be bringing all this information to you in the coming weeks. Thanks to everyone’s incredibly generous support over the years, we have helped so many families in need, and we aim to do the same again this Ramadhan. Your support makes a difference! Let’s work together to help our fellow Muslims.
Stay tuned for more information on this year’s campaign.
In Europe, click here
Rest of the World, click here
Donate directly to your Jamaat Treasurer
For more information or for sponsorship opportunities, please email [email protected]
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