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14 February 2025 / 15. Shabaan 1446


First International Poetry and Muqaseda

The External Tableegh Department of The World Federation of Khoja Shia Ithna Ashari Muslim Communities is delighted to announce its first ever, International Urdu Poetry and Muqaseda Program. Click here to find out how to participate.

Guidelines for Zakaat al-Fitrah 2021

In the current situation, with many mu’mineen opting to pay zakaat al-fitrah electronically, the Islamic Education Department of The World Federation consulted with the office of His Eminence Grand Ayatullah Sayyed ‘Ali Sistani (May Allah SWT prolong his age), and received the following guidelines.

Journeying our eyes through the Quran

This Mahe Ramadan we are pleased to announce our daily Ramadan podcast initiative of 'Journeying our eyes through the Qur’an - Exploring 30 Juz in 30 Days!'
Learn how you can listen to each Juz here.

New Islamic Education Appointments 2021

We've recently added two new additions to our Islamic Education department and would like to introduce to you them. Click here to find out more.

Hawza Online

The World Federation is delighted to announce the launch of Hawza Online - click here to enrol and learn more about how you can join this course.

Timeless Lessons

Empowering ourselves through the Timeless Legacy of Lady Zaynab (as) with three short video Sister Nasim Walji Pirmohamed. Watch the videos here.

MCE Training in November

Learn about all the incredible training which took place between MCE and Madaris teachers this month!
7th November 2020

Series of Short Videos on the Biography of 72 Companions of Imam Husayn (as)

The Resident Alim and in charge of our Centre in Nepal has prepared insightful videos untitled 72 Shohada-e Karbala covering the biographies of the companions of Imam Husain (as) that common people have never even heard the names, like Junnadah ibn-e Ka’ab al-Ansari, Hujjaj ibn-e Zayd as-Sa’di, A’dham ibn-e Umaya al-Abdi, Aamir ibn-e Muslim al-Bassri, Jabir ibn-e Urwah, etc.

Opening of Dar al-Qur’an in Kathmandu

Maulana Dr. Mohammad Zainul Abideen, Resident Alim of our Islamic Centre in Kathmandu, started an online initiative for teaching the Qur’an in Nepal to help the locals to learn, understand and connect with the Holy Book. An open invitation was sent out for these classes to people of all age. Learn more about this here.

Promoting the spread of Tableegh in Kosovo, Albania and Macedonia

The World Federation's External Tableegh Department has the opportunity to sponsor a fantastic initiative by a local Shi'a research institute in Kosovo, Albania and Macedonia that publishes quarterly e-magazines named Revista "VLERA", which means "VALUE". Learn about magazine here.

Burial Rites of the Deceased during Covid-19 Ghusl & Tayammum

The WF have produced a series of videos to provide guidance and clarity for those in charge of administering the burial rites of the deceased. All the information put together is in accordance to the instructions given by the Marja’s Office. Learn more here.

Muharram 1442 Activities in Ivory Coast

As a part of our ongoing Tableegh activities in West Africa, The World Federation’s External Tableegh department had the opportunity to sponsor Muharram activities in Abidjan, Ivory Coast through the Association Francophone of Imam Al-Sadeq (as). Click here to read more.

Muharram/Safar 1442 Activities in Latin American Countries

The World Federation’s External Tableegh department organised online Muharram activities for the Spanish community members in Spain and the Latin American countries to meet their needs of Tableegh in their native language. Learn more here.


Retrouvez-nous ce mois pour un programme spécial en compagnie de Cheikh Mohammed al Hilli afin de développer notre réflexion sur la façon dont nous pouvons réaffirmer notre engagement envers l’Imam Houssayn (as).

Muharram 2020/1442 Activities in Nepal

The Islamic Center in Kathmandu established by The World Federation in 2018 organized online programs and Majalis to commemorate the martyrdom of Imam Hussain (as) and his companions during the month of Muharram.

Muharram 1442 Activities in Bosnia

The External Tableegh department of the World Federation organised screenings for Muharram lectures in Bosnia as part of its Tableegh activities in the West.

Two New Books Launch in Bosnian Language!

Following the success of the book 156 Questions & Answers about the teachings of Islam, launched in March 2020, the Bosnian Office of The World Federation has translated and published 2 more books in the Bosnian language.

Become Husayni

Join us this Muharram for a special programme where Shaykh Mohammed al Hilli discusses how we can reaffirm our status with Imam Husayn (as),

Religious Pluralism

Islamic Education is pleased to announce the continuation in our STEPS series with our latest and most comprehensive subject ever tackled: Islam and Religious Pluralism. Click here to learn more.

Get to know External Tableegh!

Understand the role of External Tableegh and how many countries we are working in! Click here to find out more.

Building a Successful Relationship

The Heavenly Path series continues with this latest title: "Building a Successful Relationship: The Heavenly Path". This book takes a detailed look at the cornerstone of society - the relationship between a man and a woman - throughout all the potential phases: the early years of marriage, marriage after children, and marriage after an empty nest. Click here to find out more.

A Tribute to Sayyid Muhsin al-Hakim

Sayyid Muhsin Tabatabi al Hakim is considered to be one of the most famous scholars for most of the Shia world. After Ayatullah Burujardi, he was among the renowned Maraji of Najaf.

Performing the Eid Prayer at Home

This year, although we will not be going to a mosque to perform the Eid al-Fitr prayer, we should still try to perform it home as it is a recommended act of worship for the day. Click here to find out how.

New book launch in Bosnian Language

In March 2020, we successfully printed 2000 copies of ''156 Questions and Answers About the Teachings of Islam in Bosnian language.

An Experience to Remember: The Kuakata Bangladesh External Tableegh Excursion

In a unique project sponsored by The World Federation, 68 participants including students, teachers and staff of the Islamic Education Centre embarked upon an overnight journey to Kuakata, one of the most beautiful seashore spots of Bangladesh, located at around 265 km from the city of Khulna on 22nd and 23rd February 2020.

Timeout with the Holy Quran

Timeout with the Holy Qur’an - watch our 30 day Shahr Ramadan videos on how to re-establish our connection with Allah. These videos are exclusive to Instagram only so please follow us to get your daily videos! Click here to find out more.

Exclusive to Instagram only!

The Launch of OneStopFiqh

OneStopFiqh is a new online all in one website for the community to understand all things religious in subjects like Islamic Laws, A Code of Practice for Muslims living in the West, Hajj Rituals, KhumsL A brief Guide, Ask An Alim, and Islamic Dues. Click here to find out more.

Bangladesh External Tableegh March 2020

Our External Tableegh section has been involved in sponsoring the Islamic Education Centre in Khulna, Bangladesh since February 2019. Find out more about their latest updates here.

Islam: Misconceptions and Challenges

For just £10 you can order our latest book on "Islam: Misconceptions and Challenges" from our WF-SHOP website. Find out more by clicking here.

Ziyarah: The Untold Journey of Love Documentary

Ziyarah: The Untold Journey of Love is a documentary by Shaykh Mohammed Al Hilli where he discusses the etiquettes and rituals of when visiting the holy shirnes. For more information about the documentary and air times, click here.

External Tableegh for Muharram 1441(worldwide)

The World Federation was blessed with an amazing opportunity to contribute towards various Muharram programmes held in multiple Shia centres around the world. These activities took place in the month of Muharram. Alhamdullilah, the programmes were received extremely well and had a positive impact on the local communities. Read more here.

Prophet Muhammed Series

On the occasion of the wiladat of our beloved Prophet (pbuh), we will share some of Prophet Muhammed's character traits which have inspired many Muslims around the world.

External Tableegh in Mauritius for Muharram 1441

The World Federation sponsored Muharram activities in Mauritius Island for the local residents. The majalis were held at Imam Jaffer Sadiq Islamic Centre located in Quatre Bornes. For the first time, the audience at the centre had the opportunity to learn about the incident of Karbala. Read more here.

External Tableegh in Nepal for Muharram 1441

Muharram functions were held daily for both ladies and gents at the Islamic Centre in Kathmandu, Nepal. A total of around 150 attended the daily programmes for the first time since the establishment of the Islamic Centre. Click here to read more.

External Tableegh for Muharram in Cuba and Mexico

The World Federation as part of its External Tableegh program, sponsored Sayyid Muhammad Sibtain Razavi to visit Havana, Cuba and Mexico City, Mexico after receiving several requests of assistance for a Muharram programme from the locals there. Click here to read more on the Muharram activities that took place in Cuba and Mexico.

Well Drilling in Mali

As the Shia people of Mali commemorated the Martyrdom of Imam Husayn (as), The World Federation jointly with Who Is Husain (WIH) - France, participated in a contribution programme for drilling a well, enabling clean drinking water for a village in the surrounding areas of Bamako in Mali. Read here to find out more.

Muharram 1441 Activities in Bosnia

As part of The World Federation External Tableegh agenda in remote countries of the West, the department hosted a series of lectures during the month of Muharram 1441/2019 in Bosnia in order to generate interest and awareness in the lives of the 14 Masoomeens (as) and to eradicate doubts and discrepancies with regard to the Shia faith. Click here to read more.

Muharram Activities - Bangladesh

The World Federation jointly with Orison Charitable Trust sponsored Muharram and Safar programs at 23 different centres throughout the country. The Bangladeshi Shia communities are very much devoted to their religious faith. Read about the 10 day Azadari for Imam Husayn (as) here.

Muharram in Ivory Coast

For the first time, various communities in Ivory coast participated extensively in lectures and lessons because these were conducted in French, a language which can be understood by many locals. Find out how these programmes played a crucial role in understanding Muharram.

External Tableegh in Nepal Summer 2019

The World Federation carried out various programs and organised various events in Nepal during July, August and September 2019.
Click here to learn all about the religious programs and activities we did to help spread the message of the holy household of Prophet Muhammad (p.b.u.h).

External Tableegh across Africa - Muharram 1441

The World Federation in collaboration with The Africa Federation was blessed with an amazing opportunity to contribute towards various Muharram programmes held in multiple local Shia centres across Africa. These activities took place in the month of Muharram. Alhamdullilah, the programmes were received extremely well and had a positive impact on the local communities. Read more here.

Arbain of Imam Husayn

The 20th of Safar marks the fortieth day – Arba’īn - after the martyrdom of Imām Ḥusayn (a) in Karbalā’. After the fall of Saddam Husein, Iraq has seen a large influx of pilgrims from not just within Iraq, but as well as from all over the world, to mark the occasion of Arba’īn. In this brief article, we wish to explore the historical narrative regarding the events of Arba’īn and as well as its current significance in the Shi’a world. Read more here.

India Youth Camps 2019

The World Federation and India Federation are holding two residential camps in India this December. Apply by 8th December. To learn more about these exciting camps click here.

Arbaeen Reflections 1441

The Arbaeen is an important time as it represents another opportunity to renew the pledge of allegiance to the Ahl al-Bayt (a). Click here to learn how we make a positive change in our lives from the lessons taught to us during Ashura.

Heaven on Earth Documentary

Heaven on Earth - The Shrine of Imam Husayn (as) is a documentary by Shaykh Mohammed Al Hilli where he will discuss the merits and significance of the holy shrine of Imam Husayn (as). For more information about the documentary and air times, click here.

External Tableegh in Trinidad and Tobago

32 students from various countries attended the six week intensive Islamic course carried out in Trinidad and Tabago which enables muslims and non-Muslims to learn more about Islam. Find out more about the course here.

The Najaf Retreat

The Mainstay Foundation UK and USA and The World Federation of KSIMC, in collaboration with The World Federation’s regional partners CoEJ and NASIMCO, are pleased to announce this year’s Najaf Retreat. To find out more and how to apply - click here.

Become Husayni 1441

This Muharram The World Federation will be launching an all-new daily podcast series on the companions of Imam Husayn. Click here to find out more.

Spiritual Gems of Hajj

During the days of Hajj there are many recitations we can do to reap the rewards of this holy month. Click here to read our latest PDF article on the "Spiritual Excellences of Dhū’l Ḥijjah"

External Tableegh Jan to July 2019 Update

Follow our Tableegh activities from all across the world including Bangladesh, Kosovo, Germany, South America and many more. Also keep up to date with meeting the great Scholars and Maraje.

STEPS - Series Two

STEPS – Shi’i Theology, Ethics and Practice Series. Series Two: Marja’iyyah. Click here to watch the second series of videos, listen to Podcasts and download and read the Ebook for further reading.

Tableegh activities in Kathmandu, Nepal

Read here about the diverse number of programs and events, with the primary focus of external tableegh, which were organised in Kathmandu, Nepal, during April, May and June 2019 by Moulana Mohammed Zainul Abedin.

Brotherhood Iftar Party in Kathmandu, Nepal

The Brotherhood Iftar Party is the first interfaith activity that has been observed to have brought peace and harmony among the various religious communities in the country. Read more about this interfaith event here.

Youth Discussion Groups in India

This Ramadan, The World Federation India Office and India Federation joined together and held Youth discussion groups. Click here to find out more.

STEPS - Articles

Introducing STEPS – Shi’i Theology, Ethics and Practice Series. Click here to read further and download eBooks on the STEPS series.

STEPS - Podcasts

Introducing STEPS – Shi’i Theology, Ethics and Practice Series. Click here to hear the Podcasts on your preferred platform.

STEPS - Series One Ilm al- Ghayb

STEPS – Shi’i Theology, Ethics and Practice Series. Series One: Ilm al-Ghayb. Click here to watch the first series of videos, listen to Podcasts and download and read the Ebook for further reading.

Khairul Bariyyah explained by Shaykh Alidina

On the occasion of the Shahadat anniversary of Ameer al Mo’mineen (as), our esteemed scholar, Shaykh Murtadha Alidina outlines for us the characteristics that enable us to become people whose company the Imam (as) himself yearns for.

Recommended Acts of Worship in Ramadan

As we enter Ramadan, take a moment to reflect on the spiritual importance of this month. Read this article to give you an insight into the significance of this holy month.

Ramadan al-Shareef

As we enter Mahe Ramadan, take a moment to reflect on the spiritual importance of this month. Read this article to give you an insight into the significance of this holy month.

Become Alawi 1440

This Shahr Ramadan marks 1400 years since the martyrdom of Ameer al-Mu’mineen (as). Click here to watch inspirational videos in which scholars offer advice on how to ‘Become Alawi’.

Madinah & Bab 2019 Competition

The competition for a chance to win an all paid for trip for Madinah and Bab is now closed. We are happy to announce our winner here.

Together with Lady Maryam in Paris

A powerful moment of sharing and brotherhood - A wonderful interfaith meeting held in Mehfile Zainab (Paris North Jamaat) in France on Saturday 6th April 2019.

Khums Seminar in Stanmore

Attend the Khums Seminar in Stanmore to learn about the new Khums ruling by Ayatullah Sistani. Click here for more details.

Medical Retreat in Najaf Updates

Read here to see what the participants of Medical Retreat in Najaf experienced during this spiritual medical retreat.

Importance of Sha'ban

This article describes the importance of the holy month on Sha'ban. Read more to get the most out of this month.


Introducing STEPS – Shi’i Theology, Ethics and Practice Series. Click here to watch a trailer about this new initiative which aims to provide comprehensive answers to pertinent issues

Importance of Rajab

This article describes the importance of the holy month on Rajab.

MCE Training in India

Everything you need to know about the Madrasah Centre of Excellence (MCE) first training session in India!

Womens Empowerment Meeting

The regional body, Council Of European Jamaats held two meetings to encourage the empowerment of women in our communities.

Medical Retreat 2019

Are you a medical student or a medical professional and would like to go to Najaf, Iraq and learn how Islam is associated with medicine? Book your place for the Najaf Easter Retreat now. Find out more here.

New project Discovering Sacred Texts with the British Library

The World Federation will be taking part in an Exciting new project called Discovering Sacred Texts with the British Library. The project will provide resources from leading academics for Religious Studies students and enable us to build the knowledge of our community members. Click here to find out more!

MCE 2019 Updates

Everything you need to know about the Madrasah Centre of Excellence (MCE) can be found here for 2019.

iSistani App

The World Federation is pleased to announce the launch of its updated and improved iSistani app, which is available immediately to download from the iTunes Store or through Google Play now.

Legacy Giving

Through leaving a portion of your inheritance and supporting beneficial work, you can obtain consequential good deeds, so even after death, you’ll continue to receive the fruits of the seeds you’ve planted.

India Federation delegation visits WF Syria Office

On the occasion of Arba’een, on 30th Oct 2018, a delegation of India Federation while on Ziyarat of Lady Zaynab (sa) and Lady Sakina (sa) visited The World Federation of KSIMC's Damascus Office in Syria. Find out more.

Couples Retreat in Iran 2019

Applications for Easter 2019 are open, APPLY NOW! Limited spaces available click here to find out more. Deadline extended!

Khums App

We’ve created an intuitive Khums Calculator App to help you calculate what you owe and make it easy for you to pay your obligation.

Khums Guide

Khums is a compulsory religious obligation for Shia Muslims. It refers to paying a religious tax of one-fifth (20%) on, most commonly, your earnings after deducting your expenses. You can find out more about what’s eligible from our quick Khums Guide. This guide includes the new rulings with real examples.


Khums is a compulsory (wajib) religious obligation for Shia Muslims. Our new easy-to-read Khums Guide contains all the important facts you need to know about the new ruling. Find out more about this important pillar of Islam.

Become Husayni 1440

This Muharram we will have four exclusive bite size inspirational talks from Scholars all on how to Become Husayni. Click here to find out more.

Day Thirty Feed Your Soul Give and Grow

The World Federation is pleased to introduce a series of videos to help us acquire closeness to Allah (swt). The first 5 videos will be an Introduction to Shahr Ramadan and for the rest of the Holy month we will focus on Akhlaq. Click here to watch Day 30.

Day Twenty Nine Feed Your Soul Humility is the Key to Faith

The World Federation is pleased to introduce a series of videos to help us acquire closeness to Allah (swt). The first 5 videos will be an Introduction to Shahr Ramadan and for the rest of the Holy month we will focus on Akhlaq. Click here to watch Day 29.

Day Twenty Eight Feed Your Soul How to be a Great Teacher

The World Federation is pleased to introduce a series of videos to help us acquire closeness to Allah (swt). The first 5 videos will be an Introduction to Shahr Ramadan and for the rest of the Holy month we will focus on Akhlaq. Click here to watch Day 28.


‘Zakat al-Fitrah’ is a religious tax paid at the end of the month of Ramadan. Find out more and make your payment here.

Day Twenty Six Feed Your Soul Every Action Has a Reaction

The World Federation is pleased to introduce a series of videos to help us acquire closeness to Allah (swt). The first 5 videos will be an Introduction to Shahr Ramadan and for the rest of the Holy month we will focus on Akhlaq. Click here to watch Day 26.

Day Twenty Five Feed Your Soul Who is a Miser

The World Federation is pleased to introduce a series of videos to help us acquire closeness to Allah (swt). The first 5 videos will be an Introduction to Shahr Ramadan and for the rest of the Holy month we will focus on Akhlaq. Click here to watch Day 25.

Day Twenty Four Feed Your Soul United we Stand

The World Federation is pleased to introduce a series of videos to help us acquire closeness to Allah (swt). The first 5 videos will be an Introduction to Shahr Ramadan and for the rest of the Holy month we will focus on Akhlaq. Click here to watch Day 24.

Day Twenty Three Feed Your Soul The Night of Qadr A New Beginning

The World Federation is pleased to introduce a series of videos to help us acquire closeness to Allah (swt). The first 5 videos will be an Introduction to Shahr Ramadan and for the rest of the Holy month we will focus on Akhlaq. Click here to watch Day 23.

Day Twenty Two Feed Your Soul Keep Striving and Never Give Up

The World Federation is pleased to introduce a series of videos to help us acquire closeness to Allah (swt). The first 5 videos will be an Introduction to Shahr Ramadan and for the rest of the Holy month we will focus on Akhlaq. Click here to watch Day 22.

Day TwentyOne Feed Your Soul Imam Ali AS living an impactful life

The World Federation is pleased to introduce a series of videos to help us acquire closeness to Allah (swt). The first 5 videos will be an Introduction to Shahr Ramadan and for the rest of the Holy month we will focus on Akhlaq. Click here to watch Day 21.

Day Twenty Feed Your Soul Speak Practice What You Preach

The World Federation is pleased to introduce a series of videos to help us acquire closeness to Allah (swt). The first 5 videos will be an Introduction to Shahr Ramadan and for the rest of the Holy month we will focus on Akhlaq. Click here to watch Day 20.

Reflections on sermon 109

Reflections of Sermon 109

It is duly appropriate to learn some lessons from Imam Ali (as) when aiming to become a better person. This sermon will allow us to expand our knowledge where it shapes our future in an attempt to make a victory of something we know nothing about. 

Day Nineteen Feed Your Soul Speak Up for what is Right

The World Federation is pleased to introduce a series of videos to help us acquire closeness to Allah (swt). The first 5 videos will be an Introduction to Shahr Ramadan and for the rest of the Holy month we will focus on Akhlaq. Click here to watch Day 19.

Day Eighteen Feed Your Soul Anger a Blessing or a Curse?

The World Federation is pleased to introduce a series of videos to help us acquire closeness to Allah (swt). The first 5 videos will be an Introduction to Shahr Ramadan and for the rest of the Holy month we will focus on Akhlaq. Click here to watch Day 18.

Day Seventeen Feed Your Soul How to be the perfect host?

The World Federation is pleased to introduce a series of videos to help us acquire closeness to Allah (swt). The first 5 videos will be an Introduction to Shahr Ramadan and for the rest of the Holy month we will focus on Akhlaq. Click here to watch Day 17.


“Fidyah” is a compensation for a fast of Ramadan that is missed under certain legitimate circumstances. Find out more and make your payment here.


Kaffarah is a penalty for fasts that are unlawfully broken. Find out more and how to pay for Kafarrah here.

Day Sixteen Feed Your Soul Why Should I Give Charity

The World Federation is pleased to introduce a series of videos to help us acquire closeness to Allah (swt). The first 5 videos will be an Introduction to Shahr Ramadan and for the rest of the Holy month we will focus on Akhlaq. Click here to watch Day 16.

Day Fifteen Feed Your Soul The Status of Imam Hasan as

The World Federation is pleased to introduce a series of videos to help us acquire closeness to Allah (swt). The first 5 videos will be an Introduction to Shahr Ramadan and for the rest of the Holy month we will focus on Akhlaq. Click here to watch Day 15.

Day Thirteen Feed Your Soul I Spy with My Little Eye

The World Federation is pleased to introduce a series of videos to help us acquire closeness to Allah (swt). The first 5 videos will be an Introduction to Shahr Ramadan and for the rest of the Holy month we will focus on Akhlaq. Click here to watch Day 13.

Day Twelve Feed Your Soul Thinking Positively About People

The World Federation is pleased to introduce a series of videos to help us acquire closeness to Allah (swt). The first 5 videos will be an Introduction to Shahr Ramadan and for the rest of the Holy month we will focus on Akhlaq. Click here to watch Day 12.

Day Eleven Feed Your Soul Make Peace with your Brothers

The World Federation is pleased to introduce a series of videos to help us acquire closeness to Allah (swt). The first 5 videos will be an Introduction to Shahr Ramadan and for the rest of the Holy month we will focus on Akhlaq. Click here to watch Day 11.

Islamic Animation Videos

This year, for the first time ever, The World Federation has created a series of five animation videos about Islamic topics. Find out more here.

Day Ten Feed Your Soul Sayyida Khadija (sa)

The World Federation is pleased to introduce a series of videos to help us acquire closeness to Allah (swt). The first 5 videos will be an Introduction to Shahr Ramadan and for the rest of the Holy month we will focus on Akhlaq. Click here to watch Day Ten.

The 7th Annual Residential Youth Camp 2018

The World Federation's India office, in partnership with India Federation, conducted their seventh annual residential youth camp at Moloobhoy Sanatorium, Khandala in the month of May 2018.

Day Nine Feed Your Soul Owe money

The World Federation is pleased to introduce a series of videos to help us acquire closeness to Allah (swt). The first 5 videos will be an Introduction to Shahr Ramadan and for the rest of the Holy month we will focus on Akhlaq. Click here to watch Day Nine.

Day Eight Feed Your Soul Forgiveness sets you free

The World Federation is pleased to introduce a series of videos to help us acquire closeness to Allah (swt). The first 5 videos will be an Introduction to Shahr Ramadan and for the rest of the Holy month we will focus on Akhlaq. Click here to watch Day Eight.

Day Six Feed Your Soul Allah is the only Judge

The World Federation is pleased to introduce a series of videos to help us acquire closeness to Allah (swt). The first 5 videos will be an Introduction to Shahr Ramadan and for the rest of the Holy month we will focus on Akhlaq. Click here to watch Day Six.

Day Five Feed Your Soul Patience and Prayer

The World Federation is pleased to introduce a series of videos to help us acquire closeness to Allah (swt). The first 5 videos will be an Introduction to Shahr Ramadan and for the rest of the Holy month we will focus on Akhlaq. Click here to watch Day Five.

Day Four Feed Your Soul Dua

The World Federation is pleased to introduce a series of videos to help us acquire closeness to Allah (swt). The first 5 videos will be an Introduction to Shahr Ramadan and for the rest of the Holy month we will focus on Akhlaq. Click here to watch Day Four.

Day Three Feed Your Soul Quran

The World Federation is pleased to introduce a series of videos to help us acquire closeness to Allah (swt). The first 5 videos will be an Introduction to Shahr Ramadan and for the rest of the Holy month we will focus on Akhlaq. Click here to watch Day three.

Day Two Feasting at the Banquet of Allah

The World Federation is pleased to introduce a series of videos to help us acquire closeness to Allah (swt). The first 5 videos will be an Introduction to Shahr Ramadan and for the rest of the Holy month we will focus on Akhlaq. Click here to watch Day two.

Day One Introduction to Shahr Ramadan

The World Federation is pleased to introduce a series of videos to help us acquire closeness to Allah (swt). The first 5 videos will be an Introduction to Shahr Ramadan and for the rest of the Holy month we will focus on Akhlaq. Click here to watch Day One.

Ramadan Feed Your Soul Series

The World Federation of KSIMC is excited to introduce our daily 'Shahr Ramadan - Feed Your Soul' series. Click here to watch videos uploaded so far.

India Youth Camps 2018

The World Federation and India Federation are holding two residential camps in India this April. To Learn more about these exciting camps click here.

Sayyida Fatima (sa)

Sayyida Fatima (sa) Bio: Sayyida Fatima (sa) was the only daughter of our Holy Prophet (saw). Read more about her here.

Towards the Eternal Life - Bosnia Edition

We have translated one of our most popular books, Towards the Eternal Life by Shaykh Bahmanpour (translated by Shaykh Abbas Jaffer) and distributed them to our community in Bosnia. Read about more of our work in Bosnia here.

BIO: Bibi Sakina (sa)

Read a biography of Bibi Sakina (sa), the daughter of Imam Husayn (as)

Muharram Lecture Schedule

During the Holy month of Muharram, we will remember the sacrifices made by Imam Hussain (as) and the Ahl al-Bayt, at a tragic battle in Karbala.

To increase our awareness around Muharram and the valuable teachings left behind by Imam Hussain (as), there will be a series of lectures for the first 12 days of Muharram hosted by The World Federation Regional Bodies.

BIO: Imam Ali (as)

Imam Ali (as) was the first of the twelve Imams and the youngest of the four sons of Abu Talib and Fatema binte Asad.

Taking The Lead

We held a Mentor Training Program as the next step for those who had already taken part in either our Leadership or Youth Development Programs.

Growing The Youth!

On the 20th and 21st of April 2017, we held a Youth Development Program in partnership with India Federation.

Couples Retreat in Iran - Participants Blogs

Spiritual Upliftment through Islamic Ethics for You and Your Partner. This course was ideal for couples who wanted to gain a deeper understanding of Islam for their future life together. Dates: Friday 14th April - Sunday 23rd April 2017.

A Revolutionary I-Opener by Mahdi Abbas Juma

The Madinah and Bab al-Ilm Iran programme marked its 14th consecutive anniversary in the summer of 2016, with this being the first time that I decided to embark upon the course following my university education. This was also the first ever year in the programme that participants were bestowed the honour of being guests in the holy city of Qom for the birth anniversary of Sayeda Masouma (sa), as well as being in Mashhad for the corresponding celebrations for Imam Ridha (as).


By the grace of the almighty Allah (s.w.t.) I finally got the chance to visit Iran, for the first time ever and that too in the course. Alhamdulillah, I have learnt alot of positive things in this camp which InshaAllah, I will try my best to use in my life.
This trip taught me many things; socializing, bravery, individuality independency, responsibility and to stand up for myself.


In the name of Allah (SWT), the Beneficent, the Merciful.
Most people in their lives are lucky enough to have gone to ziyaraat, whether it's to Iran or to Iraq, whether it's with a group or not.  But to enhance the experience,  to give you memories that you will look fondly back on years from now,  to have a quintessential, unforgettable journey - there is no better way, than to embark on this sacred trip.  


Allah (swt) says: “Take one step towards me, I will take ten steps towards you. Walk towards me, I will run to you.” [Hadith Qudsi].


"Stepping foot into a new country, a new culture, without the guidance of my parents would have been a scary experience, had we not been welcomed into the open arms of our mentors. Being a part of the Madinah and Bab al Ilm family I had the time of my life. I can never do the course justice in explaining my experiences but I'll try. Being on this course in Iran felt like a home away from home, I rarely missed my family as our exciting schedule kept us busy. From climbing Mount Khizr, to our early morning twilight sessions, the course always had us on our feet and moving.

WF India Office Development Courses

The World Federation’s India Office are running two certified personal development courses this April – a wonderful opportunity for the youth of our community to enhance some essential skills.

Youth Camps in India

The World Federation and India Federation are holding two residential camps in India this April.

External Tableegh

Read about our external tableegh work in Kosovo, Bosnia and Kenya.

2015 Annual Report

Read our 2015 annual report to see a summary of all of our projects.

The World Federation’s First Ever Audio Book!

We are now pleased to present this collection of inspirational anecdotes and insights into the lives of the recent and contemporary scholars, narrated in the voice of the author himself. You can hear Shaykh relate stories that he has personally researched and been touched by to form a better, deeper understanding of how our scholars apply Islamic principles in their daily lives.

Qur'anic Word Of The Day - The Story

Earlier this year, Shaykh Kumail Rajani felt the need to start a project that would help people to better understand the meaning of oft-used Qur'anic Words.

The Labayk Series: A Hajj Travel Checklist

This second article aims to provide a compilation of things required specifically for Hajj and has been created after conversations and feedback from various people who have performed Hajj over the past 5 years.

MCE: Progress report August 2016

The Madrasah Centre of Excellence is making great strides in both curriculum and teacher development. Read an update on both projects and find out about an opportunity to join the team

MCE - French

Please check back here soon to read this in French

MCE - Gujarati

Please check back here soon to read this in Gujarati

An Expression of Gratitude

In an expression of gratitude, the Khoja Shia Isna Ashari Jamaat Mumbai organised a felicitation program for Br. Shabbirhussein Khalfan on 18th June 2016 at Mehfil-e Mustafa, JuhuKapaswadi, Mumbai

The Destruction of al-Baqi - A TIMELESS TRAGEDY

Every year, barely a week after the celebration of Eid, Shias all over the world gather together to remember the tragedy of The Demolition of al-Baqi, a destruction from which this blessed cemetery has never recovered.

Islamic Laws Chapter 4 & 5: Rules regarding fasting

With the arrival of the blessed month of Ramadan, laws relating to fasting are once again brought to the forefront of our minds. Now, His Eminence al-Sayyid Ali al-Husayni al-Sistani (may Allah protect him) latest rulings on fasting and spiritual retreat from this second edition can be quickly and easily accessed here.

Obituary: Dr Mohammad Jafar Elmi

Dr Mohammad Jafar Elmi was the founder of the Islamic College and served as its principal from 1998-2007 and from December 2011 to 2015.

Computers for Students

On the 13th of Rajab this year, The World Federation, in thought with this auspicious day, humbly presented Al-Tawheed School in Dar al Zahra with 10 new computers.

MCE newswire French

Revue MCE 2015

Le Madrasah Centre of Excellence (MCE) a quatre différents axes de travail:

1. Développement du Curriculum (Syllabus)

2. Développement des Enseignants

3. Ressources Éducatives

4. Évaluations

En 2015, nous avons travaillé avec des organismes régionaux sur l'amélioration de chacun de ces domaines pour nous assurer que les étudiants de notre madrasah apprennent dans les meilleures conditions qu’il soit. 

Imam Ali Chair of Islamic Studies

The Imam Ali Chair is the first chair of Shia Islamic Studies in the world. Dr. Sayed Ammar Nakshwani will be the first occupant of the chair.

Across The Red Sea Newswire - French

La guerre actuelle au Yémen a coûté la vie de 8 278 personnes, dont 2 236 enfants, et a fait 16 015 blessés. Le Responsable du Comité International de la Croix-Rouge (le CICR) des opérations au Proche et Moyen-Orient, Robert Mardini a dit que la situation au Yémen est en train de devenir l'un des "conflits oubliés" du monde.


MP3 Sound Files for Hajj

“As long as the Ka’bah is standing, the religion (of Islam) will remain standing.” 
(Imam As-Sadiq, as)  
Biharul Anwar, vol 96, p 57)

MCE Teacher Skills Programme Report from Jan to Dec 2015

The overall goal of this development programme is to increase the skills of teachers, and to shift their attitudes and behaviours so that they may be better able to support the learning of the students in the Madrasah.

A Life Changing Experience

As I sat in the Haram of Bibi Masuma (AS) listening to the moving and heart rending confessions to the Holy Lady (AS), given by brother Amin, I couldn’t stop thinking how lucky I was to be amongst the chosen few to shed a tear out of love of Sayyida Masuma (AS).

The Peace of Home, testimonial by Asma Sultan Ali Rashed

Entering into the Holy City of Qum and feeling a blast of spirituality and peace. Home-coming and contentment.
Waking up to the melody of the beautiful Munajaat of Imam Ali (a.s.) followed by the Adhaan of Fajr.
Witnessing a glorious sunrise while listening to Dua e Ahad. Praying Salaat in Jam'ah.
Witnessing the gorgeous and peaceful gardens of Jamia-tuz Zahra as night softly falls and moonlight brightens the night around.

A New Beginning by Mentor Rabab Shaheen Kassam

The memory of my first day in Iran is still fresh in my mind; climbing up the slight slope towards the Jamia blocks, dragging my heavy suitcases and being greeted warmly by the mentors who had already arrived. That’s when it hit home. This is real. This is the beginning - the first step.

A Perfect Trip! by Mentor Sabira Rizwan Manji from Tanzania

The journey was Alhamdulillah an amazing experience. Once the participants arrived the course started in full swing with classes in the morning, outings in the evening and prayers in the Haram at night, the time flew by.

A Journey of a Lifetime By Fatema Khimji from Tanzania

The trip to Iran was a unique experience of its own, a journey unlike any other. It was a journey that left me in awe as I visited Bibi Masuma (AS), prayed under the stars in Jamkaran, sat by the wall of Imam Ar-Redha (AS), and slept in the Jamia, the House of Bibi Masuma (AS).

The World Federation launches the Khums Calculator App – How to use it

One of the projects The World Federation has been working on this year is the Khums Calculator app. This is an easy and handy way to calculate, keep track of and pay your khums dues. It’s incredibly user friendly and will inshAllah make a lot of people’s khums calculations a lot easier! Here's how to use it.

New E-book launch - Seeking Elevation

The World Federation is pleased to announce the launch of our new ebook “Seeking Elevation” - a verse-by-verse commentary of the Du'a 'Ya Aliyyu, Ya Adheem…’ by Shaykh Muhammad Khalfan.


This year, The World Federation is excited to launch #MyHajj2015!
We will follow one individual’s journey as he embarks on his first Hajj.

MyHajj 2015 Daily Blogs

Day Seven:

Its 11am here now and the temperature is at 40°. I have had a 5 hour sleep which should be good enough to get me going for what is my D Day today.

I come out of the tent and see people all dressed in white, some performing their wudhoo whilst some praying despite the intense heat. The Adhaan is then heard and everyone rushes to their tents to perform their prayers. Thereafter the whole place goes quiet.

Hajj Preparation

The time between the moment you decide to go to Hajj and the day you actually leave requires a lot of planning and preparation.

MCE requires lesson writers for the Tarbiyah curriculum

The Curriculum Development Team of the Madrasah Centre of Excellence (MCE) is progressing well with preparing lessons for its Tarbiyah curriculum. The lessons, which are being developed by a team of experienced madrasah teachers and a graphic artist, undergo a rigorous process of vetting.

Health Lessons from Imam Ali Ridha (AS)

Imam Ali Ridha (A.S), our 8th Imam was born in Medina on 11th Dhul Qaida to Imam Musa Kadhim(A.S) and his mother Arwi. Imam Ridha (a.s) was famously known for his generosity and patience. He provided us with a lot of advice on how to take care of ourselves.

Book Review: Islamic Laws

The present work is an annotated translation of the thirty-first edition, published in 2014 by the Qum office of al-Sayyid al-Sistani. Shaykh Mohammed Ali Ismail deserves to be commended for successfully completing this challenging task.

Hanna Mahmood Daya on Memorising The Holy Qur’an

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim

In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful

My name is Hanna Mahmood Daya. I was born in London, UK and lived in Dubai and Tanzania before moving to Qum, Iran in 2004 with my family.

Essex Jamaat: Interfaith Day

Essex Jamaat held its annual Interfaith Day on Saturday 7th March at Galleywood Heritage Centre, Chelmsford.

Mulla Asghar Resource Centre - Celebrating Five Years of Excellence

The Mulla Asgher Memorial Library and Islamic Resource Centre (MARC) was the culmination of an idea initiated by the then World Federation President, Dr Hasnain Walji, whose vision was to set up centres of knowledge in the memory of Marhum Mulla Asgharali M. M. Jaffer.

The WF Shop: Kid's Corner

The World Federation online shop sells a variety of products from books about the history of Islam to Dua cards for every situation. One area with rising popularity is the “Kid’s Corner”.

Fatima (sa) Inspires: Nominations 21-31

Last week, we looked at nominations 11-20 that we had received for the Fatima (sa) Inspires Campaign. This week, we look at the final round of nominations from 21-31.

Teaching Skills Development Programme – Initial Pilot

In November 2014, the first version of the Teaching Skills Development Programme was developed by MCE after going through a long process of consultations, brainstorming sessions and meetings with teachers, trainers, religious scholars and training institutions.

Teaching Skills Pilot Programme: 3rd – 4th January 2015

The Madrasah Centre of Excellence (MCE) and the Council of European Jamaats (CoEJ) piloted the recently developed Teaching Skills Programme for Madrasah teachers for 2 days in Milton Keynes, UK. The programme was attended by 24 participants from madaris in South London, Peterborough, Leicester, Milton Keynes and Stanmore.

Tableegh Activities in Sri Lanka

The Az Zahra Association supported by The World Federation, and headed by Sister Zaveeni Jalill and her husband, aims to spread the message of the Ahlul Bayt (a) by implementing educational, social, welfare and charitable projects based on Islamic principles in economically depressed areas of Sri Lanka.

A Travelogue by Sister Aliyah Bhimani, Peterborough, UK Part 2 of 2

Heading towards Bibi Masumah (sa)’s Haram for Salaatul Layl and Fajr Jamaat was incomparable to any other morning. Upon completing my Salaatul Layl and Fajr Jamaat Namaaz we proceeded towards my Bibi (s.a) to recite her Ziyaraat, following all etiquettes.

A Travelogue by Sister Aliyah Bhimani, Peterborough, UK Part 1 of 2

My dream to relive precious moments in the tranquil land of Iran near the blessed personalities of Imam Ali-ibn-Musa Ar-Redha (a.s) and Bibi Fatima Masumah (s.a) became a reality, and I realised the prayer I made whilst clinging onto the holy shrine of Sayyida Masumah (s.a) only months ago had been accepted.

Couples Course - Deadline Extended!

If you're looking to nurture your marriage on both emotional and spiritual fronts, the The World Federation Couples Course will definitely help you.

A Positive Experience

Every experience in life should be seen with positivity and such was the case with this course, Alhamdulillah. From the beginning few days of anxiousness, confusion, uncertainty, and solitude, we quickly became brothers.

Words to Awaken Your Soul!

Check out our latest titles and browse through our online bookshop to open up a world of information and knowledge that is available at your fingertips!

Islamic Short Course for couples. Applications now open!

The World Federation is pleased to announce that applications are now open for an Islamic Short Course for couples, to be held in Qum. The course is ideal for couples to gain a deeper understanding of Islam for the future of their lives together.

Al Amaali - The Dictations of Sheikh al-Mufid

Despite his great wisdom and fame as a leading scholar and revolutionary of thought in the history of the school of Tashayyu, few written works of Sheikh al-Mufid have survived the years.

Fact or Fiction?

Shias on social media faced a mini-viral syndrome following the death of King Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz Aal e Saud of Saudi Arabia. Traditions predicting that the time of the Re-Appearance of our Imam (atfs) were being posted, liked, shared and re-tweeted everywhere.

Encouraging Piety Through Publishing

The inception of Meraj Educational Publishers of Bilal Muslim Mission of Scandinavia - Märsta - Sweden took place in 1988 after a trip for the Holy Ziyarat of Iraq.

For French-speaking Faithful

Due to the success and huge demand of the book From Marriage to Parenthood by Abbas and Shaheen Merali, The World Federation decided to get the text translated in to French.

Fond Memories of Qum

The Qum Office was honored with the visit of Sheikh Mohammed Ali Ismail, ex-manager of The World Federation Qum office. A meeting was held between Head of Islamic Education, Sheikh Kumail Rajani and Sheikh Ismail.

Girls Youth Camp at Khandala

The 3rd Youth Course for Girls aged 10 to 14 years was organised by The World Federation India Office from 23rd to 25th Dec 2014. 36 first time students attended the 2 days and 2 nights residential course and came from all over India.

Book Launch: The Untold Reality of Karbala

Many have pondered on the human spirit, its purpose in this life and this world, its origin and its ultimate destination. People across the ages have devoted their entire lives to finding answers about the purpose of life, its origin and ultimate destination.

‘The Spiritual Walk’ – A Journey of a Lifetime

‘The Spiritual Walk’ is a documentary by The World Federation that follows the 3-day walk from Najaf to Kerbala in the shoes of three British Muslims: Abbas Ramji, Farhana Manekia and Sohail Kanji.

Aqaed in Afghanistan

The Islamic Education Department of The World Federation recently published 3 books on the request of Sheikh Mahmood Fayyaz’s Najaf Office.

Spoken Arabic for Sisters

“God, His angels and all those in Heavens and on Earth, even ants in their hills and fish in the water, call down blessings on those who instruct others in beneficial knowledge.” – The Holy Prophet (s)

The Secrets of Wudu': "Seeking Light" By Shaykh Muhammad M. Khalfan

A number of books and papers have been written on wudu’ in its practical and spiritual aspects. This particular work is different in that it tried to understand the deeper secrets of wudu’ through some of the recommended supplications of Imam Ali(a).

Passing on the Akhlaq of the Ahlul Bayt (a)

A recent holiday camp held at Jaffery Centre - Mackinon Road was the perfect showcase for how beautifully implementing lessons from the Ahlul Bayt (a) can change a situation.

The Inspire Study Group visit the Al Mahdi Centre

Wessex Shia Ithna Asheri Jamaat hosted participants of the Diocesan Inspire Course at Al Mahdi Centre for a round table conversation. The Co-ordinator Marion Syms has penned the following report of this visit:

Spreading Shia'ism in Sri Lanka

“Educate a woman and you educate a generation” is an adage that has been repeated through the centuries and attributed to various personalities. Regardless of its origins, the truth behind the statement is timeless.

Reconnect With Your Religion!

Many of us would like to learn more about our faith and religion, especially given the challenges of our current times. On an almost daily basis, we face situations and choices that make us question what our opinion as Muslims should be.

The Sacred Day of Arafah - 9 Dhul Hijjah

The World Federation is pleased to provide Marhum Mulla Asgarali’s Dua of Arafah with Gujarati translation for free download in MP3. The most important and touching dua to be recited on Arafah is Imam Husain (as)'s Dua which is recited by all Hujjaj on 9th Dhul Hijjah on the plains of Arafah.

GCSE Religious Studies

AQA Unit 8 (Islam) & Unit 9 (Islam: Ethics)

Allah bears witness that there is no God but Him, and so do the Angels and those who posses knowledge; (He is) the maintainer of justice, so there no god but Him, the Almighty, the All-Wise (Holy Quran, 3:18).

Qurbani - Sacrifice in the Way of Prophet Ibrahim (as)

‘Therefore offer prayer for your Lord, and do the sacrifice.’ (Quran 108:2). ‘Qurbani’ is Arabic for ‘sacrifice’ of an animal (usually a cow, sheep or goat) in the way of Islam whose meat is then distributed among the deserving for consumption.

Zilhajj 1435 - Hajj Resources

The World Federation is pleased to announce that they are providing a wide range of resources that can help with the spiritual and enlightening journey of Hajj.

“Inspirational, Motivating and Gratifying”: A mentor recounts her Girls’ Youth Course 2014 experience (India Office)

As I contemplate on how to pen down my experience as a mentor for the recently concluded WF girls’ youth course, my thoughts run to the time when I was a little girl and yearned to go out and explore the world, similar to these girls who were bubbling with exuberance, vitality and an insatiable thirst for learning new things. My mentoring experience to these girls was exhilarating and a source of enlightenment.

Download MP3 Sound Files for Hajj

Following the success of the Holy Month of Ramadhan MP3 Duas, The World Federation is pleased to announce a new collection of MP3 sound files based on the Hajj - that unique invitation of The Almighty to visit His house.

Myanmar: A New Hope for Islamic teaching?

Also known as Burma, this South-East Asian country, with a population of around 60 million individuals, with an incredibly small Shia minority of approximately 20,000, is an emerging hub for Islamic Education.

‘Mukhtar’ translated and published in Swahili

The World Federation, in partnership with Al-Itrah Foundation of Dar es Salaam, is pleased to announce the publication in Swahili of its title ‘Mukhtar: How He Avenged the Karbala Perpetrators’ by Dr Mahmood Datoo.

The World Federation continues External Tableegh work in Kosovo

Through the support provided by The World Federation, NISA has been able to print and distribute their magazine, which aims to show a compassionate face of Islam by promoting family values. The magazine has been very well received and reaches 1500 homes.

MCE meets the Madrasah teachers in Africa

Whilst attending the triennial conference in Dar es Salaam, Al-Haj Naushad Mehrali, the Head of Madrasah Centre of Excellence (MCE), took the opportunity to visit other places in East Africa to update the Madrasah management and teachers on MCE’s activities and to engage with them.

The World Federation announces IQRA: The Vacation Competition

The World Federation’s India Office partners with Khoja Shia Isna Ashari Jamaat Mumbai to announce IQRA: The vacation petition.
The competition is being organised keeping in mind the Summer Vacation to make the participants make best use of their free time.

Ayatollah Baqer Shirazi passes away

Celebrated Iranian Shia scholar Ayatollah Sayyed Muhammad Baqer Musavi Shirazi (1931-2014) has passed away at the age of 83 in a hospital in Imam Reza (A.S) Hospital in Tehran on Tuesday (13th May).

The World Federation holds GCSE Teacher Development

The sessions were facilitated by Sister Mehjabeen Rahim, GCSE Coordinator of The World Federation’s Islamic Education Department. The sessions were tailored to deliver a variety of teaching techniques, resources, and marking methodologies.

ALMIS Exam Skills Course 2014

Once again Exam time had arrived and in preparation for this an intensive AQA GCSE RS Exam Skills Course was held at Al-Muntazir Islamic Seminary (ALMIS) in Dar es Salaam. The course facilitated by Sister Mehjabeen Rahim, GCSE Coordinator of the WF Islamic Education, was tailored to train and prepare students sitting the AQA GCSE Religious Studies Unit 8 and Unit 9 exams this summer.

The World Federation sponsors Swahili version of ‘Mukhtar’ publication

The World Federation is pleased to announce the publication of the Swahili translation of ‘Mukhtar: How He Avenged the Karbala Perpetrators’, authored by Dr Mahmood Datoo. This is yet another important milestone in External Tableegh work. The printing work has been undertaken by the Al-Itrah Foundation of Dar es Salaam.

iSistani app now available

iSistani is the first fully offline iOS app with the laws of The Grand Ayatullah al-Sayyid Ali al-Husaini al-Sistani.

Book Reviews

A list of book reviews published by WF.

So, what did the Muslims do for the Jews?

By David J Wasserstein, May 24, 2012

Islam saved Jewry. This is an unpopular, discomforting claim in the modern world. But it is a historical truth. The argument for it is double. First, in 570 CE, when the Prophet Mohammad was born, the Jews and Judaism were on the way to oblivion. And second, the coming of Islam saved them, providing a new context in which they not only survived, but flourished, laying foundations for subsequent Jewish cultural prosperity - also in Christendom - through the medieval period into the modern world.

Ethics and Practice by Ayatollah Jawadi Amuli

Question: We students do not have access to educationalists of ethical values, what should we do to learn ethics?

Ayatollah Jawadi Amuli: The study of ethics carries a segment of theoretical subjects which can be accomplished by studying, conducting catechization and dialogue sessions, whereas the other segment consists of practical learning which requires guidance and instructions of a mentor.

12 Questions Concerning Fadak

Qur’anic verses and historical documents reveal that the land of Fadak situated near the Fort of Khaibar, formerly belonging to the Jews, was the personal property of the Holy Prophet (p.b.u.h). It was neither a government property owned by the treasury nor was it war booty. The seventh verse of Surah Hashr, explains the point in detail:

The World Federation India Office announces Certified Course on Islamic Business

The World Federation’s India Office, in collaboration with Servants of Imam Ali (as) group and Jamiat Fatima (s.a.) Hawza, is organising a Certified Course on Islamic Business (Ethics and Principles).

The workshop aims to train the participants on:

Business and Islamic Responsibility

Importance of doing Business

Islamic Rules of doing Business

The World Federation India Office conducts the 3rd Ahkam-e Mayyit Workshop

In its series of Ahkam-e Mayyit Workshops, The World Federation India Office in partnership with KSI Jamaat Mumbai conducted the third workshop on 23 February 2014 for gents. The Workshop was well attended by 15 participants.


The workshop aims were to give practical training to the participants on:

• How to handle a Dead Body with Respect

• How to conduct Ghusl, Hunut, Kafan

• How to conduct Namaz-e Mayyit, and Burial

• The rules concerning Post-Burial


MCE conducts Draft Curriculum Framework Consultation in Dubai

The Curriculum Development team of the Madrasah Centre of Excellence (MCE) has recently released the Draft Curriculum Framework for Madrasah which was produced after a lengthy process of consensus and consultation with religious scholars, educationalists and madrasah teachers. A detailed review of the major curricula currently used by madaris globally was also carried out. A copy of the Framework document is being sent to teachers in each Madrasah in every region.

The World Federation India Office conducts Ahkam-e Mayyit Workshop

The World Federation India Office in partnership with KSI Jamaat Mumbai conducted Workshops on Ahkam-e Mayyit on 9 February 2014 for gents and ladies. The Workshops were well attended by 45 participants. There were a few participants who were as young as 15 years of age.
The workshop aims were to give practical training to the participants on:
• How to handle a Dead Body with Respect
• How to conduct Ghusl, Hunut, Kafan
• How to conduct Namaz-e Mayyit, and Burial
• The rules concerning Post-Burial

Eid Milad al-Nabi (PBUH) & Imam Jaffer Sadiq (a.s.) at Dar al-Zahra (sa)

The birthday of Holy Prophet (PBUH) & Imam Jaffer Sadiq (a.s.) was commemorated at Dar al-Zahra.  Addressed by Sheikh Amin Rastani, the program started with recitation of Holy Quran & Manqabat.

Emphasizing on the importance of "Week of unity among Shias and Sunnis", Sheikh stated that such events play a vital role in bringing the Muslims closer to each other

The World Federation and The Council of European Jamaats organise Spouse Selection Workshop: Saturday 15 March 2014, Birmingham

Following the success of the last workshop held in January 2014 in Hyderi , The World Federation, in partnership with The Council of European Jamaats, has organised another workshop for single males and females aged 18 and over on the topic of spouse selection.

“It made you re-evaluate your values and yourself, and the role play scenarios made you think” Hyderi, January 2014.

The World Federation sponsors External Tableegh efforts in Poland

The Islamic Education department of The World Federation of KSIMC, in partnership with The Muslim Unity Society of Poland, is embarking upon a series of external tableegh efforts in Poland.


Three events were held that brought together the Shi’a community to commemorate the martyrdom of Imam Husayn (as). Lectures were given in Polish by brother Arek Miernik, and attracted approximately 150 people, including non-Shi’as and non-Muslims.

WF-CoEJ Pre-Marriage Workshop: A 5 step approach to help find the right spouse

Due to an increased demand and a need from the young adult youth folk in search of their spouses, The World Federation and The Council of European Jamaats organised a pre-marriage workshop titled: ‘A 5 Step process to finding the right spouse’ on 12 January 2014, at the Hyderi Islamic Centre, South London.

Al-Amaali: The Dictations of Sheikh al-Mufid

The World Federation is pleased to announce the new edition of a very important book: ‘Al-Amaali: The Dictations of Sheikh al-Mufid’ translated by Mulla Asgharali M. M. Jaffer. 

‘Karbala – The Complete Picture’ – available from The World Federation for only £1

The World Federation pleased to announce the excellent book ‘Karabla – The Complete Picture’ by Dr Mahmood Datoo is available for only £1.
The book covers the subject of the event of Karbala in an easy-to-understand yet comprehensive manner. The material is presented in a very simple format, with bullet points and short paragraphs, as well as maps. This makes the entire reading experience easy, quick and enjoyable.
Sister Ola Hassan recently commented:

POWER OF PROSPERITY - Downloadable Version

This small book contains
*** Main causes of a person being rich or poor;
*** Advantages and disadvantages of being rich and poor;
*** Remedies and solution to financial problems;
*** And much more.

Good sides of wealthiness
Farming / Agriculture
Respectable poverty and its two sides
Increased Rizq and debts problem
Many useful Duaas
Things that increase Rizq
Things that decrease Rizq

Wilayat Aftab - Downloadable Version

This is an un-edited translation of selected sections of the book entitled The sunshine of Wilayat
(والیت آفتاب) from the esteemed scholar, Ayatullah Misbah Yazdi, with the hope that any benefit the
honourable reader derives from it would please the heart of my master, الفداء له روحی.

Tawassul in Islam – Verdict of the Quran

There are several verses in the Holy Quran that establish the legality of seeking medium (waseelah) to gain divine proximity. These verses clearly reject the belief of the skeptics who reject all waseelah and term Tawassul as Shirk

Click here to read – The Argument of the skeptics against Tawassul

1) In Surah Maaedah (5): 35, Allah orders:

How can one become sure which of the ulema giving advice and lectures are worthy and qualified to so?

Summary of question

How can one become sure which of the ulema giving advice and lectures are worthy and qualified to so?


We live in a community of hundreds of thousands of Muslims and have many ulema--many of whom we do not believe are qualified. How can a person obtain assurance (or certification) that the ulema that are giving advice and lectures are supported and qualified according to the rules of the Shia faith?

Tarawih: Sunnah or Bidah?

Sunnat or Innovation?

The books of Islamic laws and traditions of both Shias and Ahle Sunnat mention innumerable recommended prayers. Some of the prayers exceed a thousand units. The prayer of Tarawih is among the recommended prayers of the Ahle Sunnat and it is performed in congregation in the nights of Ramazan at an estimated twenty units daily.

Ayatul Ghadeer

Ayatul Ghadir (Verses on Ghadir)

A search regarding the Prophet's sermon on the farewell pilgrimage and an exegesis of Quranic verses of Ghadir

Authored by:
Al-Mostafa centre of Islamic researches.
Under the supervision of the supreme Islamic authority
Sayyid Ali-Sistani

A guide to Mashad





Deadline Extended to 7th January 2014: Pre-Engagement Workshop - ‘A 5-step practical process on how you know you have found the right spouse’

Updated 2 January 2014

The World Federation in Partnership with The Council of European Jamaats have organised a Pre-Engagement Workshop for single males and females aged 18 and over on spouse selection.

The workshop will be facilitated by Brother Abbas Merali, co-author of Selecting a Spouse. The deadline for registration has been extended to Tuesday 7 January 2014.

Husaini Research Centre and Encyclopaedia

Updated 2 January 2014

Over the last few months, The World Federation has held several meetings with Ayatullah Muhammad Sadiq Al-Karbasi, the founder and head of the Husaini Research Centre and Encyclopaedia project.

Reflections on my trip to Iraq

Updated on 23/12/2013

This year, over two million people around the world will InshAllah flock to Iraq to commemorate Arbaeen. We share below reflections from one of the zawaars who will be going to Iraq this year and inshAllah undertake the walk from the Holy City of Najaf to the land of Karbala:

“In a day’s time, I’ll be leaving with a group of my family and friends, leaving behind everything familiar, to make this amazing trip to the land of my Imams (AS).

I cast my mind back remembering another time, another family who left their hometown, and everything they loved, to venture out into an unknown future. Except their fate was different. For Husayn and his family (AS), only the women and children were to return back. And this drives me on..

Muharram Lectures in Gujarati by Sheikh Moiseraza

Updated on 23/12/2013

The WF Production in partnership with Dar Es Salaam Jamaat has acquired the majalises recited in Gujarati by the renowned Sheikh Moiseraza of Paris in Dar Es Salaam at Mehfil E Abbas (a.s.) during Muharram 1434.

Register Now: Pre-Engagement Workshop - ‘A 5-step practical process on how you know you have found the right spouse’

Updated 11 December 2013

The World Federation has organised a workshop for single males and females aged 18 and over on spouse selection.

“hmm, there was so much I took away from this workshop, the interaction, the real life examples, the real life stories, the small break out groups, the discussions etc, wish we had more time, it is definitely not what I had expected and will really help m going forward” Orlando, November 2013

External Tableegh: Burma

Updated 11 December 2013

The World Federation has recently sponsored the publication of the book “Goals of Hussain (as)’s Uprising” into Burmese, as part of its efforts in External Tableegh.

The original was written by Ayatullah Nasir Makarim Shirazi, and was translated into Burmese by a student of Hawza Ilmiyya Qum, Shaykh Jamaal Hussain from Myanmar.

Publication: The Wise Fool of Baghdad

Updated 11 December 2013

The Wise Fool of Baghdad is an insightful collection of true stories from the life of Bahlool Dana, who feigned madness to escape the oppression of the ruling class in Baghdad circa the 8th century AD.  As a result, Bahlool dispensed wisdom in strange and amusing ways.

Islamic Jurisprudences Classes Organized at Jameat uz Zahra (sa) in Qum

Updated 4 December 2013

Islamic Jurisprudence Classes were organized in Qum at Jameat uz Zahra in the current academic year of 2013-14. Sis Batool Arastu, author of the book Women’s issue made simple, taught the course in 3 sessions. A number of sisters participated in these classes and benefitted from them.

The World Federation seeks volunteer Podcast Coordinator

Updated 20 November 2013

The World Federation is looking for a volunteer who will work as a podcast coordinator with the Islamic Education team. 

The volunteer’s responsibilities will include creating an account with podcast platforms and providers as well as meeting with presenters and interviewees to record interviews among other details.

MCE Update –November 2013 Issue 11

Updated 13 November 2013

This is the 11th issue of the MCE mailshot. When we sent the first issue, we explained that the purpose of the newsletter was to:

1. Update you on the progress made by MCE and its activities
2. Share good practices that are happening in other madrasah around the world
3. Share news of important developments in the field of madrasah education
4. Listen to you and take your feedback, suggestions and new ideas.

Muharram in Gaza

Updated 13 November 2013

Dedicated to the victims of the Gaza Massacre - 2008/2009

As we commemorate Imam Husayn's revolution of truth and justice, this poem considers our role as Hussaynis in a world wracked by oppression.

Muharram arrived with piercing screams
Playing children bombed to smithereens
Torn limbs shrouded in ash
Lost in the deafening blitz, blinding flash

I heard the echoes fade
As I sat in the mosque and prayed
Safe in His house of peace
Far from the blood and screams

Visit to Hawza Jamiat Fatima (sa) in Mira Road

Updated 6 November 2013

In the quest of providing a service to the Women of the Community on 29th October 2013 the manager of The World Federation India Office, Asad Virani, visited Jamiat Fatima (sa) at Mira Road.


The World Federation India Office and Mumbai Jamaat organise Workshop on Pre-Marriage Counseling - Mumbai

Updated 30 October 2013

The World Federation’s India Office and Mumbai Jamaat jointly organised a workshop for the pre-marriage age youth of the community in Mumbai. This workshop was a part of 4 workshops organised to cover all age groups from teens to the elders.

Br. Abbas Merali of London and Sr. Fatima Somji of Dares Salaam facilitated the workshops. Maulana Sayyed Ehsan Haider Jawadi sahab also shared lots of information from the Islamic point of view. 

A Poem: No Choice

Updated 18 September 2013

As the new academic year begins, this poem asks: Is it not time we invested into the spirit and futures of our children by establishing where we have not, Muslim schools that provide parents with an alternative to secular education?

When she first opened her beautiful, innocent eyes
And her tiny, fragile fingers clasped mine
With all my heart, I pledged
My child’s spirit, I would protect

India's first Islamic satellite channel – Channel WIN

Updated 18 September 2013

Alhamdolillah! In the last 22 years World Islamic Network has grown from a small organization distributing free Islamic books to a Satellite Channel reaching more than 33 countries. By the grace of Allah (s.w.t) many people have gained guidance and true knowledge of Islam through their books; and their Television channel is serving the same purpose today. May Allah (s.w.t) and the Ahlul Bayt (a.s) increase their taufiq to serve and guide our community and our society.


The World Federation India Office supports Panjetani Development Trust Madrasah by providing Syllabus for Preschoolers

Updated 20 August 2013

Keeping up with modern times, most Madaris in India are upgrading themselves to teach in English Language, use modern teaching techniques and follow a systematic academic year procedure just like schools do.

One such madrasah is Panjetani Development Trust in Mumbai. This madrasah is situated opposite Khoja Masjid at H. Abbas (as) street and is very close to The World Federation India Office. The madrasah is run by the youth under the guidance of prominent Ulema.

World Federation India Office Successfully Organized Sehri Group Discussion Sessions during the Holy Month of Ramadhan

Updated 13 August 2013

The sessions were held on Saturday nights from 11pm to 3am. The timing of the sessions were close to mid-night so as to get everyone’s proper attention and not to get disturbed by phone calls or other appointments during the sessions. The locations chosen were close to the Community centre in Mumbai so as to make it convenient for all to attend.

Thesis on Shia Rituals

This is a Thesis on SHIA RITUALS:


Rachid Elbadri

March 2009

Thesis Advisor: Abbas Kadhim

Thesis Co-Advisor: Anne M. Baylouny

2,500,000 Muslims were invited to break their fast in the Holy Shrine of Imam Reza (AS)

Updated 13 August 2013

Report written by: Astan Quds Razavi

Mahmud Mumtaz the Deputy of Sacred Premises and Pilgrims’ Affairs of Astan Quds Razavi said "Besides the acceptance of pilgrims at the Guest House (Mehmansara) of Imam Reza (A.S.), we were honored to welcome 2.5 million of dear fasters (Samiun) in the blessed month of Ramadan, and the reception of large number of fasters was completed in 8 minutes."

Boys’ Daily Blog

Tuesday 27th August, 2013

After visiting 2 holy shrines, we visited the shrine of Bibi Shatita. She was highly respected highly by the 7th Imam, and in fact her funeral prayers were led by him.

Girls’ Daily Blog

Monday 26th August, 2013

So here comes the report of one of the most awaited days of the trip!

The World Federation reprints ‘Islam and Religious Pluralism’

Updated 24 July 2013

The World Federation’s Islamic Education department is pleased to announce the reprint of the very popular title: 'Islam and Religious Pluralism'.

This book is based on a section of another book by Ayatullah Mutahhari entitled, ‘Adl-e Ilahi’ (Divine Justice) under the chapter ‘Good Deeds of Non-Muslims’. It has been translated by Sayyid Sulayman Ali Hasan, and also contains a preamble by Sayyid Mohamed Rizvi who provides a comprehensive view on religious pluralism in the modern context.

MCE Update –July 2013 Issue 10

Updated 17 July 2013

This is the 10th issue of the MCE mailshot. When we sent the first issue, we explained that the purpose of the newsletter was to:

1. Update you on the progress made by MCE and its activities
2. Share good practices that are happening in other madrasah around the world
3. Share news of important developments in the field of madrasah education
4. Listen to you and take your feedback, suggestions and new ideas.

The World Federation publications now available as e-books

Updated 10 July 2013

With the increasing habit of reading books online and via e-readers, The World Federation has converted many of its titles into e-books.

Currently, the following titles are available as e-books, and the list is steadily increasing:
1.      Karbala: The Complete Picture, by Dr Mahmood Datoo
2.      Mukhtar, by Dr Mahmood Datoo
3.      The Travellers, by Sayyid Aliraza Naqvi

ASG of Islamic Education visits Poland

The Assistant Secretary General of Islamic Education of The World Federation, Sayyid Aliraza Naqvi visited the Polish city of Lublin from 23-25 May 2013.  The trip was facilitated by the Al Mahdi Institute of Birmingham.  During his visit, he met with the local Shi’a community and delivered a lecture during the celebration of the Wiladat of Imam Ali (as).  

He also met representatives of the Polish Shi’a organisation, the Muslim Unity Society and discussed their activities and future plans. 

MCE trains more madrasah assessors

The World Federation initiative ‘Madrasah Centre of Excellence’ undertook a second round of MCE Assessor training in Birmingham, UK between 26th-28th April 2013 at the prestigious Aston Business School and Conference Centre.

Potential assessors were invited from Jamaats across Europe, and Alhamdulillah a strong and enthusiastic group of 30 individuals were trained successfully.

External Tableegh: The World Federation visits Bosnia

A delegation of The World Federation of KSIMC comprising of The World Federation Vice President Al-Hajj Munawer Rattansey, and supporter and donor Al-Hajj Muslim Khoja, visited the Shia community in Bosnia between 22 – 26 May 2013.


WF India Office announces Workshop on Ahkam-e Mayyit

The World Federation’s India Office, in partnership with Mumbai KSI Jamaat, is holding a workshop on Ahkam-e Mayyit (rules relating to the deceased).

The workshop aims to give practical training to the participants on:

The World Federation’s latest book on Salah: a winner has been chosen!

In February 2013, Islamic Education department of The World Federation launched a competition asking for Madrasah students to suggest a name for its forthcoming book on Salah aimed at Madrasah students in their final classes. The competition was open to existing Madrasah students aged 17 and under.

Mashallah we received an overwhelming response with a total of 134 separate entries from across the world. The entries were of a very impressive level and we would like to congratulate community Madaris and students for being so creative, imaginative and impressive in their entries.

The World Federation Boys Youth Camp: Reflections of a participant student

First of  all, I would like to thank The World Federation of KSIMC for organising such a wonderful youth camp. The camp, which was held in Panvel, was a memorable one. It was a learning experience for us; both, in worldly as well as in religious matters. It also taught us many values.

Are you going to Iraq for Arba’een this year?

If one of our Shia goes for Imam Husayn (as)’s Ziyarat, then he will not return but all his sins will be forgiven. For every step that he or his mount takes, 1,000 virtues are written for him, 1,000 sins are forgiven and his status is elevated by a 1,000 degrees.' (Bihar al-Anwar, volume 101;  Kamil al-Ziyaraat)

If  you have been blessed with the opportunity to go to Iraq this Arba’een and are doing the walk from Najaf to  Karbala, why not help fundraise for the poor and needy at the same time?

Visit to Hawza Jamiat Fatima (sa) in Mira Road

n the quest of providing a service to the Women of the Community on 29th October 2013 the manager of The World Federation India Office, Asad Virani, visited Jamiat Fatima (sa) at Mira Road.